The letter from the heart

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2 years ago
#MyCollectionDrawings #Violet

"Spring, summer, fall, winter ... Many seasons have passed and I am still waiting for the one that will bring you back."

-Violet Evergarden

Good people Noiser, today I bring you more of my content for you who deserve it so much. : D

Today I show you a captivating drawing where not only the design of the drawing is what counts but the message of this wonderful series which is the "The true meaning of life".

The story revolves around Violet, a warrior maiden who has lived almost her entire life as another weapon, an instrument in the hands of the army, which has turned her into a lethal person in combat, but she has paid the price by losing, apparently , the ability to understand human feelings and empathize ... It is interesting, because of how he sees the world in a more analytical way, hides a great inner conflict, but at the same time he is able to rethink how others think. Being so direct and sincere, she contrasts with people who seek to keep up appearances, but at the same time yearn for that happiness and the ability to feel that everyone seems to have less of her.

It is too good a story that can keep you up to date throughout the entire journey of the series, I definitely recommend it for those who like this type of stories.

MATERIALS USED: Plain paper for drawings, fine and medium tip markers with Prisma premium colors.

$ 0.25
$ 0.25 from @ewyr
