Chester bennington.

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2 years ago

"When my time comes, forget how bad I have done, help me leave behind some reasons to be remembered."

-Chester Bennington.

#MyCollectionOfDrawings #Chester

For those who like rock like me, many will know the band Linkin Park, which was a band that revolutionized the music industry in a certain way since with their good songs and lyrics they were made in the podium for a long time and will always be remembered as one of the best bands of the time, which its great emptiness in the industry feels too much. This drawing was made 3 years ago as a tribute of 1 year of departure to his vocalist who took us by surprise and impacted us, no one expected the death of this great singer who made thousands / millions of fans around the world and he we owe so many beautiful subjects.

It has been 4 years since his departure, Chester will always remain in our hearts and for which we thank him for so much he gave us and we apologize for so little that he received a change... I hope you like my drawing for rock lovers.


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