My Crypto Writing Process

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2 years ago

The world is changing into a weird place that is becoming harder and harder to make ends meet for most people.  Having extra money left over at the end of the month is a luxury that many people don't have.  The unfortunate thing is that if we are unable to consistently invest and put money away for our future, then it is likely that we will never change the current situation that we are in. The way things are heading in the world right now, it is becoming increasingly important that we all think about our future, and what we want to achieve.  It could be the very thing that decides whether you will either prosper or struggle.

Before I began my venture into the investing and cryptocurrency market, my original dream was to reach a level where I would no longer be living paycheck-to-paycheck.  At the time, having money left over to be able to invest was only a dream.  With hard work and persistence I was able to achieve that, and my goals would later change into wanting to obtain financial freedom.

The point is that for many of us who are wanting to change our lives, we have to "actually" change our lives.  Continuing to do the same thing over and over expecting different results is the actual definition of insanity.  

So what can we do to make this change?

For many of us this will mean taking up a side-hustle.  Something that many of us don't want to hear, especially who already work full-time jobs, is that the easiest thing we can do to change our lives is to get a second job.  It could just be a night or two a week, but that added income is something that can make a huge change on your life.  Being able to pay off those lingering debts, finally being able to put a little money away in savings, and also having a little extra money to invest.  Continuing at this for an extended amount of time will help you much more than you could have imagined.

In the past, I did have a side-job and it fulfilled its purpose very well.  Getting rid of credit card debt and others is possibly the most important first step you can make. But after a while when my personal situation became a little more stable, I decided that I wanted to do something involving my interests or passions.  If you don't know, the things that I am the most passionate about are cryptocurrency, investing and passive income.  That is when I decided to try to somehow have crypto be my side job, and that is also when I began blogging about it. 

I receive messages all the time about how to start blogging, how to become successful doing it, and also what my writing process is.  So today I thought it would be fun to share all of those things with you, and who knows, it could end up being a side-hustle for you that helps you on your journey towards financial freedom.  A gig that you can have complete control of; what you write, when you write, where you post and the options go on and on.

So let's dig into my writing process more.

My Philosophy 

The first thing that you need to know about crypto blogging is that you will not make money right out of the gate.  It takes quite a bit of time. If you're unwilling to keep working at it without instant results, then maybe a different side-hustle would be better suited for you.  My first few months blogging I had next to no traffic on my posts, and the earnings were even smaller than that.  I truly was writing only for myself, and that was fine.

Believe it or not, but my initial intention with my crypto blogging wasn't to make money with it actually.  I just wanted to talk and have an outlet for the thoughts that I was having about cryptocurrency at the moment.  There was practically no-one in my direct circle of friends that that interested in crypto, let alone investing.  And so this was my outlet to share my thoughts.  To this day, that has remained my philosophy with my writing.  I'm not writing articles that I think will perform the best, and I don't include any referral links in my articles. I'm only writing about what I find interesting, or my current thoughts at the time.  Usually that involves either bitcoin, ethereum, passive income or world macro events.

How often?

The next important thing that you need to decide is how often you should write.  Consistency is very important here.  Having extending periods of time without writing will hurt your ability to grow.  Throughout my blogging days I have experimented with several different durations; trying to find the perfect balance of writing enough to have success, but also maintain a normal life.  At one point I was writing once a week and wasn't satisfied with the growth rate of my accounts and also the rewards that I was earning.  I then decided to write every single day, and I was surprised to see that although my overall profits increased a lot, the actual performance of each article wasn't reaching its potential.  Perhaps I was over-flooding the services with too much content.  I then changed my writing schedule to 3 times a week, (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and that was the perfect amount for me.  The performance of each of my articles increased dramatically, as they each had more time to reach an audience.  And also, I was able to maintain a better life balance as well.  It is very important to really iron out what your writing schedule will be and stick to it.  For some people, writing three lengthy posts a week may feel like a difficult task, but it has become so much a part of my routine that it feels really weird if there are days that I'm not posting.

How much time do you devote to writing articles?

This is another tricky question that you need to find the perfect balance for you.  If you are wanting to grow your audience and potentially increase your earnings as well.  Then perhaps you should be devoting more time to your articles.  Delivering higher quality will often bring better results and that is what I always strive to do.  With most of the crypto blogging sites, the worst thing you can do is to have the quality of your posts be really low. People will feel that you are just trying to earn quick tips and that you put little to no effort into the posts.  All the while hurting your reputation.  I take my writing image or reputation very seriously, and I hope that comes across to my readers.  Writing about what you know best will help to cut down on the amount of research that will be required to write your posts.  For most of my posts I probably devote 2-3 hours to it, but their are exceptions to this.  Last week I posted a two part post that I did a deep-dive in KuCoin's passive income offerings and I spent a whole week working on this.  

What should you write about?

What is best for me, may not be the best things for you to write about.  Personally I am constantly consuming bitcoin and cryptocurrency content.  From many sources such as podcasts, interviews, news articles, message boards and Reddit, YouTube and the list goes on.  After consuming this content, I often have many thoughts of my own and want to go off on my own tangent.  And that is how my antics are born.  My advice to you would be to not try to copy a different authors writing style type or articles, as this will make it difficult for you to find your own voice.  When I first began writing just thinking about a topic that I would write about would be a daunting task that might take hours before I actually decide on a topic.  But now, writing has become such a second nature of mine that I can brainstorm and decide within a few minutes.  I often stick to my own niche ares such as bitcoin, ethereum and passive income.  I also tend to avoid writing news of the day type of posts.  The shelf-life of those articles are shorter and therefore I prefer to write evergreen articles.  A person could read my articles from 2 months ago and they would still for the most part be helpful I hope.

Titles and Thumbnail Pictures are Critically Important 

The last area that I want to touch on today is just how important your article titles and thumbnail pictures are.  Having an attention-grabbing title can be the difference between your article performing poorly or greatly.  Or the difference between having mild success and having stellar success. The same goes for your thumbnail picture as well.  Having a high quality picture that deals with what you're talking about can be the difference between someone clicking on your article or not.  As for my article titles, I try to be very careful about them.  For the most part they are always attention-grabbing, making you want to click on the article.  But, it is never clickbait that has nothing to do with my article.  It is a challenging balance that you must keep, but a vitally important one.

And there you have it.  This is my brief overview on my crypto blogging process.  While it isn't an in-depth step-by-step guide that will tell you everything you need to do.  It does give you a general overview of the most important things that you need to be thinking about to have success.  I truly believe that if you do the above things, and keep doing it for an extended period of time, then you will have success.  My blogging has transformed from something that no one was reading, to a sizable side-income for me now.  If I keep at it, perhaps it could grow into something even more than that.  I'm excited to keep striving towards those goals.  Once thing is for certain, if I can do it, then definitely anyone else can too.  So why not start today, and begin your journey towards having financial freedom!



As always, thank you for reading!

$ 5.39
$ 5.39 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for johnwege
2 years ago


Like everything in life, to be successful there is a process and a learning process, these platforms are full of people sharing their lives and their experiences.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have understood that writing deals with more of consistency and one must be ready to learn through the process.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm really happy I have found this as a side hustle, it doesn't even work because I enjoy typing the articles. Couldn't imagine doing another job next to my full-time job as a teacher

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great writer!

$ 0.00
2 years ago