My Crypto Earnings This Month (September)

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3 years ago

Another month has come and gone, and that means we are already entering the month of October.  As always, the beginning of each new month is my favorite time of the month, because that is when I get paid in my passive crypto income.

This is an ongoing series of mine that helps me to keep track of my own progress towards my ultimate goal, early retirement and living in a tropical beach somewhere.  Not only does this track my progress, but it helps to keep myself motivated, and hopefully can motivate a few others who read this article as well.

In the last few months I have become more and more bullish on the future of Bitcoin.  This has me believing that BTC will be something in the future that everyone will wish they could own just a little bit of.  This has had me trying to accumulate more, and also some of my BTC to work to earn some interest off of it as well.  I do remain bullish on Ethereum as well, but right now especially where the world has been heading, I'm valuing bitcoin even more.

This has been my main philosophy recently. Yes I have a significant amount of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other coins stored away in my Ledger, but recently I have been using more and more to earn that passive compound interest.

This month most of my earnings have come from the usual sources; blogging and lending. But I'm also beginning to earn a little from staking as well.

In the grand scheme of things, my passive earnings monthly are insignificant, but that is okay because they are passive. But the magic is when you start adding the monthly totals together and that is when the insignificant numbers begin to become something more.

So without further delay, let's start talking about my passive crypto earnings for the month of August.

1) Blogging

During the month of September my publish0x earning have nearly doubled and I account that for 2 main reasons.  Firstly, publish0x did increase the tipping rewards by 30%, and secondly I did have a few articles that became much more popular than how my articles usually perform.  As I do with all of my blogging earnings, I will convert these funds to either bitcoin or ethereum.  Also, my subscriber number has increased to 794, and I am getting closer to my goal of 1,000.

Publish0x Total = $39.14

On uptrennd I haven't had much luck yet.  I continue to use most of my points there and reinvest in my account, either by leveling up or boosting my own articles in hopes of gaining my followers.  I haven't had the best experience on uptrennd, as I have felt most of the comments here are spam, or almost the same comments over and over, but I will continue to try to build a following ehre.

Uptrennd Total = $0
I had a breakout month here at and was able to make $15 in the month of September, this being the first time I was able to make any kind of a dent here.  I owe it to the fact that recently changed the tipping system, and this seems to reward more the content creators who create good content rather than participation tips. Total = $15

This was also the first month that I began to make some traction at Hive as well.  I made around $20, which I then used all of it to power up my account which should help to do even better in the future.  It will be interesting to see how this continues to develop in the future.

Hive Total = $20

Blogging Total = $74.14

2) Staking

As I have mentioned previously, I have sold off all of my cardano and am focusing my staking efforts on Polkadot at the moment.  While the price of Polkadot has gone down over the past month, that's the case for pretty much everything out there right now as well.

Polkadot (Kraken)

6.1 DOT = $25.00

Staking Total = $25.00

3) Crypto Lending


To date, Blockfi continues to be my biggest money maker in terms of passive income, and I have been very satisfied with it. As I have mentioned before, my main goal with BlockFi is to be gaining interest on my BTC and ETH. I keep a small amount of USDC there that I always convert into one of those two coins when there is a price dip that I want to take advantage of.

Bitcoin -0.00541072 BTC≈ $63.08

Ethereum - 0.04029450 ETH≈ $17.00

USDC - 1.88375834 USDC≈ $1.88

Lending  Total = $81.96


Monthly Total = $181.10

Overall, I'm very happy with my performance this month, especially the increase from my blogging.  My first goal is to reach $1,000 per month in passive income, and I am nearly 20% of the way there.   

Also I would like to mention that during the month of September I did receive the Uniswap airdrop ($1,500), and converted all of it to bitcoin.  But I decided not to include it in this article because I felt that it would throw off the numbers, as it was a one-time event.

The great thing about the staking and lending is that once you have enough capital invested, it does become much easier to make more and more money consistently.  The only thing that is requiring a lot of effort is my blogging.  Next month I hope to reach $200.

So what are you doing to make a passive income and where are you having the most success!?

As always, thank you for reading!

Sponsors of johnwege

$ 0.74
$ 0.74 from @TheRandomRewarder
Sponsors of johnwege
Avatar for johnwege
3 years ago


Quite clever article idea as most people here are hoping to make money haha.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's awesome. I am very curious about hive? Hope you can make a guide and honest review about it. If possible. 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have hive, its quite complicated to understand but you will if you really want to. but the payment is once a week only, I mean if your article got tips you will get it after 7days. I abandon my account there, I lack time to manage it and I prefer read cash.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you! I believe celsius and Nexo have similar rates, (if you also have the required amount of nexo), BlockFi offers 6% interest and I'm currently lending out about 1.3 BTC there.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Those numbers are impressive. I think at this rate you will soon be able to retire. Just wanted to know how much crypto have you put for lending in Blockfi and what's the rate of return you are getting. I am using Celsius and Nexo and was wondering if Blockfi is worth trying.

$ 0.00
3 years ago