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Avatar for joeyarnoldvn
2 months ago

They say Elon Musk cars are getting better. But not saying his cars are perfect but his cars are improving. But it's like how calculators make people unable to do math in their heads. So, even if smart cars were perfect, problem is becoming dependent on these smart cars and smart phones and smart houses and more. Riding in a smart car might be like riding in a dinosaur meaning extremely dangerous like being an astronaut. Why Oatmeal Moderating in the Oatmeal World Discord Server? You may see me demote members who are probably already too high and perhaps they broke rules, posted NSFW, lied by saying they're women when they're not which I have no problem promoting you if you're literally Steven Crowder or something; it seems many anonymous accounts got orange roles which I could demote them but then decided just to promote a few people up to those levels or higher to counter the chaos as many people have no idea who to promote and demote or the wisdom and the mechanisms that it takes but I'll try to promote people who are not too anonymous and women just so happen to be less anonymous and men tend to be more criminal in nature assuming you're not like Tim Pool or whatever which again if you're Owen Shroyer who is also a man, then hey Owen would probably become an owner of this server in seconds.

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