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Avatar for joeyarnoldvn
3 months ago

Patrick Bet-David told Tucker Carlson roughly 2.6 million more people were being born on average each year than were dying in America as of like 1960 and now in 2024 that number is down to roughly 500,000 more people being born each year in America. University can be over $50,000 USD per year depending on the school, some of the community colleges can be under $10,000 USD per year. Robert Barnes talks to Viva Frei about Trump, Alex Jones, but also about Nick Rekieta, there were some bad judges, the cops violated free speech, private property and the second amendment; the guns and drugs was in his private room. Swatting violates the 4th amendment, totally illegal for the cops to jump in like that without proper search warrants signed by judges based in actual probable cause in past-tense that crime happened in the past as opposed to hypothetical/theoretical potential/future crimes that may or may not ever happen, period.

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