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Avatar for joeyarnoldvn
4 months ago

84/ I prefer only promoting public people and not anonymous people; but admins are still free to promote and demote whoever whenever. For example, I would make 2 absurd statements, people with working brains could conclude that one of the statements is false, assuming they know the other statement is false; that is if they didn't know both statements were false; the art and science of logic is simply like that. My theory is some who joined my Oatmeal Discord Server either joined to cause chaos or came with popcorn thinking this server would be like a TIkTok live chat; because this server is not always alive with activities, people end up leaving disappointed as they thought this server would be like my TikTok videos with constant chaos. Is this Elon-Gated account on Discord a troll pretending to be on my side, is he trolling the trolls, why is he saying the screenshots are fake when some of them might be real; unless if Elon is playing Fish, I feel like Elon is either pretending to be on my side or is just having fun; I am not sure if people like this Elon should be promoted to admin or not; but people are free to make Elon an admin; but please take all my words to heart that Elon could be playing Fish or could be trying to play me; or could be just typing random words on the Internet for no reason really except to have fun and stuff.

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