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Avatar for joeyarnoldvn
4 months ago

Romans drank out of led-covered jars, led makes you aggressive, angry, crazy, thus the fall of Rome, the Roman Empire. DARPA Adept Protect came out in 2012, it was all about using DNA or RNA vaccines to stop pandemics within 60 days, and then we got Covid in 2020. They should have told Trump it was not Warp Speed in 2020 as they were working on those vaccines since at least 2012 at least in these specific aspects and other aspects since at least 1934. Some of the Covid Vaccines came from Moderna in 2020 who got a contract in 2013. 364/ One of my problems might be, I think I need better introduction videos, articles, life outlines, summaries, websites, etc, as a way to introduce new people to who and what I might be, I am still in the middle of trying to do some of that.

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