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Avatar for joeyarnoldvn
4 months ago

Over three decades of vaccines, since at least 1991, has given us a rise in all kinds of cancers and diseases, vaccines is not immunization but rather extermination and sterilization. Since at least 1991, vaccines have had cells/fragments from birds, cows, mice, monkey, and aborted human babies, said Dr Judy Mikovits. How do you think our bodies respond when foreign cells are injected into our bodies? They look like germs to the human body. This can create allergies to all of these meats/animals/food or worse. Big Pharma paid out billions of dollars to families since the 1980s to shut them up, to prevent them from raising awareness to vaccine injuries and death; vaccines go back at least to 1934; Covid Vaccines are killing people; that is why cancer is on the rise, Happy Mother's Day.

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