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Avatar for joeyarnoldvn
4 months ago

Someday, there will be a movie AI generator, we will be generating two-hour long movies like we are generating 2-minute-long songs today with Suno. To extend the AI-generated movies, it would be called the Disney-Extension. Regarding the First Amendment: I wonder if the the George Carlin Estate, I mean Kelly Carlin, who sued the Dudesy podcast according to online articles from January of 2024, I wonder if they're also going to after Noisee, Microsoft, and others who had/has/have/will have AI software that can allegedly violate copyright, even as it's fair use/transformative and everything else; software can create content/media/visuals/graphics/audio/video/music/sounds/photos which may or may not accidentally and/or purposely may resemble the work of George Carlin and others; so will everybody begin suing everybody for everything is the real question.

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