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Avatar for joeyarnoldvn
1 week ago

Criminal Minds 1309 is woke where they mention conspiracy theories to try make Alex Jones look crazy, it mentioned JFK, 9/11, Sandy Hook, geoengineering, lizard people, and it just tries very hard to paint a bias against fact JFK got multiple gun shot wounds from different angles. They go out of their way to say Sandy Hook was not staged. But the truth matter is even real shootings can be weaponized politically which is what Alex Jones said the day it happened that Obama wanted to take guns from Americans which is true. The real terrorists are the monsters at the very top who believe in exterminating all humans, all eight billion people off the face of this planet. The real terrorists are the IRS who are in your bank accounts studying you so they can attack whenever they feel like it. The real terrorists are governments around the world, IRS, NSA, FBI, CIA, as they commit trillions of felonies for each time they collect data, bank accounts, private messages, etc, Edward Snowden was right, this is not merely an AI problem as it's been happening for decades. The real terrorists are destroying the middle class so the tiny ultra rich can have dominion over the ultra poor, the middle class is what bridges the two extremes allowing some to at least try to escape poverty.

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