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3 years ago

The media tells us what to think instead of telling us to think. 375 million interactions between cops and Americans each year and the majority of the interactions are positive interactions. Bill Gates numbers 23 times higher in 2020 than what really happened for Covid and Lockdown is murdering millions of people right now. In the 1900's, in China, they took down statues of Mary and put up statues of Mao instead. They had Chinese children march around like soldiers murdering millions of other Chinese people all over China for years in China, in that country in Asia.

NWO Plan

Globalists continue to do what they do to take over the world, to rule the world through corporations as the rulers, presented as communism on the outside but being of fascism in actuality.


Sadly, FDA bullies smaller businesses to minimize competition for Big Pharma, corporations, etc, as they take over the world to the extent we let them and they never stop trying to take over more and more from your children for years to come.

Playing Piano

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Oatmeal Daily - 2020-06-10 - Wednesday
Published in June of 2020

My Father The Purple Dinosaur, Barney Gates

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Standing Tall in Fire & Ice

12:13 AM - Hive Post

2003 maybe - Joey out of his 163 room window, snow.

Life is a tough field of spaghetti. You never know what's inside of you until it comes squirting out. You gotta do what you gotta when the going gets tough, then the guts begins to squirt out. Stand tall right out of your ghetto park window. Be ready to radiate fire in the mist of the snow.

Snake Hillary Clinton

12:32 AM - Hive

How many of the lawyers, judges, jurors, etc, are a little or absolutely leftists, globalists, and/or whatever, meaning what might happen if Hillary Clinton is in alleged court or alleged show trial for the public, a dog and pony show, will justice be had or is Bill Barr and Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump and others delaying the draining of the swamp, are some of the alleged patriots in the Trump Administrator worse than Kelly and the others, are they in fact delaying justice by playing dumb or is it even worse than that? I'm sure Hillary is aware of a lot but I wonder how aware Jared Kushner might be? Jared could be a puppet and it's possible that Jared doesn't even know that bad people are using him. I don't want to assume Jared is evil. Jared may feel he is doing the right thing, whatever that means. But Jared is wrong.

Roman Rising:

01:13 AM - Steemit

Was this before the rise of the Roman Empire which expanded for like a thousand years and started falling around 500 AD? I read a bit about Cyrus when I was studying the Bible.


Interesting to see how the world changed so much from the time of Cyrus to the time of the Vikings television series I'm watching, the History Channel, six seasons, roughly around 800 AD as it shows bits and pieces of this new religion called Islam at that time. England was still split into smaller kingdoms.

Mentioning the Romans

They mention the Roman Empire in the show or the remnants of it but they don't mention the former Persian or Babylonian empires. I guess mentioning the most recent empire, the Roman empire, is enough, and it's possible that the Vikings were not totally aware of all of ancient history beyond their own lands.

To Be Continued

The show covers bits and pieces of like Africa, Italy, and also England, that is on top of whatever lands the Vikings already had. It mentions China and I haven't seen the 6th and final season yet.

Baked Blunts


General Shepherd

01:39 AM - American Countdown Tue 06/09/20 Full Show 720p


Sadly, FDA bullies smaller businesses to minimize competition for Big Pharma and others.


375 million interactions between cops and American each year and the majority of the interactions are positive interactions.


2020-06-10 - Wednesday - 02:14 AM - 03:00 AM - Vikings 601

Flashback to season 5. The silk road. Trading between whites, yellows, blacks. Iva meets Russians in the snow who laugh at him, a cripple who is a king haha, now I've seen everything. Iva from Norway. Rus Vikings. Iva the Boneless. Scarlett Johansson no longer wants to be a public person and wants to now be a simple farmer and talk to friendly Ragnar te ghost and other friendly ghosts. Will not be lonely. Herald. Ironside. Wife. The Rus Vikings were originally from that area where Ragnar ruled. So, they seek to go back, to head west with Iva and take it back in revenge. Drink to the gods, to Odin. Imagine talking late into the moon. Brady Bunch style. Arizona. Adults now. Making decisions. Interesting.

03:05 AM - 11:00 AM - Sleep. Phoenix from X-Men. Imagine that. Brady Bunch. My dad's name. 2 kids. Plus step step. One step at a time. Donatello. Barbara Bush was the wife of President George Bush. Soap opera.


Chocolate almond milk. Apple. Coffee from yesterday.

Joy Villa


Red Guy

11:17 AM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - Wednesday June 10, 2020

Black Lives Matter

Did BLM emerge in 2013 or has it been around longer than that by another name? Make a video using FBI numbers, statistics, facts, evidence, logic, simple as that, just numbers, just facts, and YouTube bans you.

JFK Guns & Money

11:24 AM - Steemit

That's a main reason why globalists wanted JFK dead, similar to something that Abraham Lincoln was doing as well regarding money. But do you think it is true that globalists were trying to trick JFK into banning guns on top of that?

Vikings vs Game of Thrones

11:35 AM - Steemit

The show is similar to Game of Thrones but grounded in history. But I've not taken the time yet to see accurate and aligned with history the Vikings might be. I compare it to Game of Thrones in that the main star of the television show, Ragnar, has at least six boys. One son killed the other son who was mocking him. Another son dies in a battle. The other four sons end up battling each other or sometimes working together against the other sons. In the show, different people become king of the different places. They die and then the sons or other people become king, similar to what you see in Game of Thrones but without the dragons. But they do reference dragons in the same breath that they mention the myth of Thor and other gods.

Banning Police?

Are they banning police in Seattle?

Murdering Old People

Are they putting sick people in nursery homes in order to murder the old people so they can trick more people into lockdowns and the stay at home crap?

Dead Cops

Did Michael Dorn die?

Foundation for Economic Education

11:55 AM - Cops, Karens, and the Coming Dystopia - V for Vendetta - YouTube Video - New Channel for me | YouTube Channel

Support Out of Frame on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OutofFrameShow

It's a scary time in America. In the last few weeks, we've seen police violence, protests, riots, snitch lines... all framed by the backdrop of a viral pandemic. It's not hard to see that a lot of people are hurting and angry. It's also not hard to understand why.

It's a formula for conflict involving cops, Karens, and the threat of a dismal, uncertain future -- and dystopian fiction has given us prescient previews.

With the coronavirus lockdowns and the fear they spread both causing massive economic and emotional damage in this country, Americans have been strained to the breaking point. This country's founding promises of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have every appearance of being betrayed. Three high-profile incidences of police (or police-adjacent) killings of unresisting people in just the month of May lit the fuse, but the explosion was primed and ready to go well before that.

The echoes of dystopia in today's reality are clearly heard. Movies like "V for Vendetta" and the genre of dystopian fiction in general are incredibly important to our way of thinking about and our reaction to the world around us. Here's why.

Written & Produced by Sean W. Malone
Edited by Arash Ayrom & Sean W. Malone
Asst. Edited by Jason Reinhardt

Special thanks to Matt Tabor of The Create Unknown: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Ab...


--- Coronavirus and Government Overreach ---






--- Cops and Government Overreach ---







--- Karens ---






Dancing on the Back of Angels

12:50 PM - Hive Post

1998 maybe - Honey Cat

They carry you through the tough times in life. Now substitute angel for pet and you'd get a comforter such as Honey the cat as seen in this first photo. When we're lonely, our animals can be there for us without saying a word. That's the value they hold as they run up and down trees like squirrels, they echo the fabrics of life itself, again without saying a single word, their presence is that of angels.

Jesus Cats

12:59 PM - Facebook | Hive Comment

Rick with Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, but no Jesus. Plus, Charlie Angels or Tiny. No Loud Mouth. I'm talking cats, kittens, pets, in case you were wondering or wandering or both. This was back in May of 1987 in Forest Grove, Oregon. Oh, wait, sorry, Matthew was off collecting taxes. So, no Matt either in this pic.


01:10 PM - 04:45 PM - Organizing the 12 boxes lists. Dishes. Forest bending. No mail.


Chicken on yesterday's soup.


04:45 PM - Steemit

If you like Batman, one show on Fox I enjoyed watching was Gotham.

JFK Gun Debate

04:50 PM - Steemit

But JFK was a democrat which back then meant more classical liberalism as opposed to leftism and other things that we may see today. I'm not sure how many democrats in the past would consider attempting to modify and restrict the second amendment in the name of alleged safety but we can see that leftism has been attempting to push democrats that direction for decades now, gradually, inch by inch, day by day, to push them farther and farther left, as in extreme left, radically left. In some ways, people should probably be somewhere in the middle of the political spectrum.

The White House

05:01 PM - President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion

The black woman next to Wayne who was to the right of Trump, Trump's right, was on fire, she talked about black people and others but especially black people changing the lives of their children and specifically the families of African Americans and that we are changing things right now and for future generations and that statistics won't reflect what is happening now, the progress we are having right now, we won't see that until 2040 or twenty years from now.

Merry Mayhem

05:59 PM - The Babedom Menace : Gone with the wind, is gone in a whim and more.

General Shepherd

06:03 PM - The Alex Jones Show Wed 06/10/20 3rd Hour

Hodge Twins

The media tells us what to think instead of telling us to think.

Numbers Too High

Bill Gates numbers 23 times higher in 2020 than what really happened for Covid and Lockdown is murdering millions of people right now.

Defund Police

Most crimes in America in the 1900's was done by less than 5% of the people in the United States, generally speaking, most of the time, and too many of them were black people, statistically speaking. Leftists love calling the police for help much more than conservatives do and leftists say they want to defund police.

Hotep Jesus

06:46 PM - Love & Marriage 9

J.K. Rowling: Controversial or Accurate?


Wendy O




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General Shepherd

06:53 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Wed 06/10/20 Full Show 720p

NWO Plan

Globalists continue to do what they do to take over the world, to rule the world through corporations as the rulers, presented as communism on the outside but being of fascism in actuality.

Antifa Seattle

Did Antifa take over Seattle? Yea, a little bit.

Can Democrats burn down anything they want but we cannot burn down the Washington Post?

Lionel Nation

09:10 PM - Live Stream: America’s Hit Rock Bottom


Fish. Pulled out the bones. Partly frozen orange.

Star Wars Theory

09:30 PM - Yoda Talks About his Dark Side to Dooku! Star Wars Explained

Answers in Genesis

09:47 PM - Impact Downgraded - Answers News: Wednesday June 10, 2020

Xtra PC USB OS ad

Dinosaurs died out gradually and not millions of years ago from space rocks.

General Shepherd

09:57 PM - AMERICAN COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Wednesday - 6/10/20

China Religion

In the 1900's, in China, they took down statues of Mary and put up statues of Mao instead. They had Chinese children march around like soldiers murdering millions of other Chinese people all over China for years in China, in that country in Asia.

They had reeducation camps.

Something happened in 1976 which was also the year Vietnam ended a civil war with itself and/or with other countries and/or with other things, simultaneously, long story.

Playing Piano

11:43 PM - Hive Post

Peace on Earth

The music is inside of you. Let it rise and let it take you places you can only dream of. That's the heart and soul to the meaning to life itself in so many ways. Here are a few photos of my mother, Marilyn Mitchell, who was born in 1951 in Seattle. She has always been playing piano all of her life.

1950's maybe - Jack Arnold - Adoptive Father of my dad: truck license plate: California: 7P 13 26. The jeep or truck or car vehicle looks like a Ford. They were living around Goldhill and/or Medford, Oregon, in the 1950's and 1960's. My dad, Donald, was born in 1950 in California. My dad was adopted most likely before his father, Peter Rasp, died in 1953. So, my dad grew up in Oregon. It appears that my dad's adoptive father, Jack Arnold, had this California license plate car, assuming that was his car. Well, Medford is close to the northern California border.


Baked Blunts


General Shepherd

01:39 AM - American Countdown Tue 06/09/20 Full Show 720p


2020-06-10 - Wednesday - 02:14 AM - 03:00 AM - Vikings 601

Red Guy

11:17 AM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - Wednesday June 10, 2020

Foundation for Economic Education

11:55 AM - Cops, Karens, and the Coming Dystopia - V for Vendetta - YouTube Video - New Channel for me | YouTube Channel

The White House

05:01 PM - President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion

Merry Mayhem

05:59 PM - The Babedom Menace : Gone with the wind, is gone in a whim and more.

General Shepherd

06:03 PM - The Alex Jones Show Wed 06/10/20 3rd Hour

Hotep Jesus

06:46 PM - Love & Marriage 9

Craig Mason

06:49 PM - Great Awakening: Showing The World A Painful Reality

General Shepherd

06:53 PM - The War Room With Owen Shroyer Wed 06/10/20 Full Show 720p

Lionel Nation

09:10 PM - Live Stream: America’s Hit Rock Bottom

Star Wars Theory

09:30 PM - Yoda Talks About his Dark Side to Dooku! Star Wars Explained

Answers in Genesis

09:47 PM - Impact Downgraded - Answers News: Wednesday June 10, 2020

General Shepherd

09:57 PM - AMERICAN COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Wednesday - 6/10/20

Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?


Lost Media Wiki's Forum

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LARPing With The Samurai

If we ignore violence from Fascists like Antifa and BLM; we step into the abyss of Anarchy, and the end of days!

Is the Murder of George Floyd Distracting U.S. From a Racist Eugenics Culling Operation?

Cops TV Series Cancelled After 33 Seasons Amid Police Brutality Protests - Since 1987

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Minneapolis: Islam’s Crucible For America

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‘Take a Knee’ – The Ultimate Hypocrisy

Playing Piano

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3 years ago
