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3 years ago

Police stole baby from mother and said the mother was hysterical. But the mother was simply protesting the lockdown. That is not the only case where you can see cops beating people up and sometimes worse.

Adam No Eve

Bill Gates vaccines to sterilize and reduce your life drastically.
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Rocky Video

Rocky Boxer Theme Video

08:51 PM - Facebook | YouTube | Minds | FB Group | Bitchute | Trump Page


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2020-05-13 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-05-13 - Wednesday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in May of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Capitalism vs Communism

12:01 AM - Hive Blog

Wealth and property is the same thing in some ways. You talked against tribalism. So, what is an alternative to tribalism if not globalism? Can I learn history from Stefan Molyneux who talked about how Rome fell? I love free markets. You refuse to say that you like free markets too. That means you probably don't like free markets. It is not so hard to agree that you like to trade. But it seems you refuse to acknowledge the value of trade. if you said you were ok with buying and selling, ten would have no reason to debate because we would agree on that. But you can't even say that. Instead, you just want to insult. You can say that I started by saying that I was insulting you. But I was simply describing what I was observing.

Understanding Tyranny

12:16 AM - Hive

I am coming to your house as it is not your house. It is my house too. I am going to use your shower. You cannot debate me. You believe in sharing. That cannot work and has not worked. Stefan Molyneux would love to debate you. He would tell you that you are full of crap. Full of oatmeal crap. You threaten me and then lie and deflect and reflect to say that I am doing it to you like NPC SJW bots do. That is what they do. They get so angry at everything. But you cannot even own yourself. So, you must be a Buddhist. Nothing matters, basically. So, you should not write as you do not own what you are writing. Either you own it or you don't own it. If you were honest, you would admit to perhaps owning some things. And there are some things you would say people do not own or cannot own or should not own or whatever. So, if you were honest, you would make a distinction and draw a line between what you would say you owned and did not own. In other words, you may say that you own your thoughts. It is possible that you could say that you do not own your own thoughts. Perhaps, I could get my brain phone or Elon Musk or Bill Gates chip to go into your brain to copyright your thoughts and to share them with the world as you should not own your thoughts perhaps. But if you were to say that you do own your thoughts, then your next job would be to try to explain why you would not own other things. By the way, I am very retarded. And you seem to have problems with certain words. I do not care so much about certain words, either way. It is not like you own your own emotions. So, if I made your feelings hurt, who cares as we all own the emotions you might say. You might be a cult leader. You are trying to rewrite history. You are either blind or you are doing this on purpose. So, if you are not retarded like OATMEAL JOEY ARNOLD IS RETARDED, then you might be very very evil like Rothschild as you are purposely trying to misguide people like CNN. I am not sure which you might be, perhaps a combination of both. China and Russia were infected with communism. Also, communism has been infecting the United States as well. Also, fascism was infecting America in the 1930's like I said. Also, communism and fascism and other things can be very similar in some ways according to The Killing of Uncle Sam. Long story short, what matters is the people behind the curtain pulling the strings to cronyism, fascism, communism, technocracy, plutocracy, etc, as they are of authoritarianism, globalism, transnationalism, tyranny, etc.

The Last Dance

2020-05-13 - Wednesday - 01:13 AM - 02:01 AM - The Last Dance 103

Chicago Bulls

Dennis Rodman dated Madonna who taught him about finding identity. Dennis almost committed suicide.

Winning Attitude in the 1980's while playing Detroit and others.

2020-05-13 - Wednesday - 02:03 AM - 03:02 AM - The Last Dance 104


Yoga. Buddhism.

Phil Jackson had pastor parents who talked about the raputre and he would escape to the court. He talked about taking acid. Phil played basketball like Dennis Rodman.

The Triangle

Is it hard to build muscle when you are running around all the time burning calories? Rivalry between Bulls & Pistons. That last time as Chicago won, Detriot walked off without shaking hands. Their time was over. Don't cry when they attack. Pippen didn't respond when Dennis knocked him down. Unbeatable.

Jazz swept the Bulls during the 1997-1998 season.

2020-05-13 - Wednesday - 03:03 AM - 03:52 AM - The Last Dance 105


Nike Deal

Air Jordans were like lightsabers.

Clyde Drexler vs Michael Jordan


1992 Olympics

Be Like Mike Commercials

Obama mentions Jordan, Oprah, and himself.

Michael Jordan says to Jerry Seinfeld that they watch his show. And kids that they may eventually get sick of Seinfeld.

How ya doin'.


Invalid Cookie


WHO vaccines having things added to keep people from having babies globally.

Bill Gates vaccines to sterilize and reduce your life drastically.

Pod People



Truman Show

Non-profit called LK10

11:19 AM - Facebook

Hillary Elena wrote back on April 15 the following:

I work for a Non-profit called LK10, we are primarily a training organization, how to be church together, listen to God, connect deeply on a heart level. For the past 10 years or so we have been training all over the world online.
this is a crazy time in our lives. Much Joy & Peace to you✌️

Community in Quarantine

I wrote that was impressive yesterday in that Facebook group called Wolbi memes for student schemes and she replied:

lol ... commitment free introductory call, (zero sales pitch either). if you're interested why not try? They occur every Monday :)

And I want to pass this information on to those who might be interested.

Vietnam Feel

11:26 AM - Facebook

Mike GuessIt, Similar to Hawaii in that they are family oriented. Vietnam is a specific flavor of Asia. That means it feels sort of like Hawaii, sort of like a China town, etc, and also unique in other ways. I love the rice. Bikes all over in the streets. Fun to meet people. They like karaoke. I love the coffee. Jungle weather.

Bill Gates is a haunted, depressed, drivened, possessed man and you can see that in videos of when he is not reading off a teleprompter, he yells at people like Hillary Clinton, when he thinks he is not on camera.

When you confront them, they deny it.

They gas-light you.

They lie to your face.

But you can still expose them to other people.

Show people what they said.

Be ready for the worse as they try to take over the world.

They already rule the world to an extent already.

Trying to find a blue bag.


Jar of yogurt


02:13 PM - Hive

I would draw some comics, people, trees, houses, some animals, cartoon style generally, and I shared some of it on Hive, etc. I will be sharing more too in the future.


02:18 - Hive

Good work with the yoga. I'm not in love with math but I can do some algebra if I have to. When I was in college, I struggled a bit at times and part of that might be due to multitasking just like you do.

Homeschool Reason

The Bad Influence of Nicknames on Children - Consciousness-Based Education

Mask Signs

True, not all stores try to enforce the signs they put up.

I'm from the USA. Looking for a good friend.

Rich Grandville


IBM Watson

Government should stand down.

Why not decentralization?

Wake Up America Coffee

That Star Wars Girl


It may be an opinion and a fact at the same time, an opinion that so happens to be fact.

Love the hair.

Liberty Hangout

03:54 PM - Bye-Bye Barack!



03:57 PM - President Trump Speaks to the Media after Biden Unmasking Info Released 5/13/20

Why did the one guy put on a mask when the mask lady was speaking?

Not a good idea to wear a mask.

Mocking Children

04:19 PM - Hive

But how do you help prepare children for the real world where people will be mocking them sooner if not later. So, people can choose to shield and protect children from getting their feelings hurt. But the question would be how long can you keep kids sheltered from opposition? And if they are protected for too long, will that be worse if they are not able to learn how to deal with it later on in life or will they eventually learn how to handle the pressure someday?

05:00 PM - Dishes. Watering the bush and backyard woods. It was also raining. Got the mail. Oh, pizza magnet thing.

06:00 PM - 08:30 PM - Box 10 of 12 of the music books.

Fish, especially trout, can be beautiful. Didn't realize that. For thousands of years, people and even fish have looked the same even as fashion and some things can change. People long ago saw what we see and yet fish back then more beautiful as things do not evolve but devolve and decline and get worse.

Ron Gibson

08:50 PM - AMERICAN COUNTDOWN • Wed - 5/13/20 • News, Reports & Analysis

Police stole baby from mother and said the mother was hysterical. But the mother was simply protesting the lockdown. THat is not the only case where you can see cops beating people up and sometimes worse.

Rocky Boxer Theme Video

08:51 PM - Facebook | YouTube | Minds | FB Group | Bitchute | Trump Page

I sing, mostly with no words, to the Rocky Balboa boxing theme, for around eight minutes.

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

09:25 PM - Rocky Boxer Theme Joey


09:15 PM - Hive

Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I multitask to save time and sometimes will focus on just one thing when it is very important. And focusing on one thing for a short period of time can help in a powerful way. But for longer periods of time, multitasking can help more. So, both approaches can help if you are able to go back and forth between different modes as needed. I write things down as I blog and I am even including this, what I am writing to you, in my blog. And that can help me remember. A variety of things can help with learning, memorizing, etc. But you never know what will stick. So, be organized and be patient.


09:39 PM

Corn on freshly caught trout fish. Just caught in the last four hours or less.

Geeks + Gamers

11:30 PM - Mario Kart 8 Insanity - Crazy Finishes

Star Wars Theory

11:33 PM - Top 5 Characters We Want to See in Star Wars Movies - Rule of Two


The Last Dance

2020-05-13 - Wednesday - 01:13 AM - 02:01 AM - The Last Dance 103
2020-05-13 - Wednesday - 02:03 AM - 03:02 AM - The Last Dance 104
2020-05-13 - Wednesday - 03:03 AM - 03:52 AM - The Last Dance 105

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That Star Wars Girl


Liberty Hangout

03:54 PM - Bye-Bye Barack!


03:57 PM - President Trump Speaks to the Media after Biden Unmasking Info Released 5/13/20

Ron Gibson

08:50 PM - AMERICAN COUNTDOWN • Wed - 5/13/20 • News, Reports & Analysis

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

09:25 PM - Rocky Boxer Theme Joey

Geeks + Gamers

11:30 PM - Mario Kart 8 Insanity - Crazy Finishes

Star Wars Theory

11:33 PM - Top 5 Characters We Want to See in Star Wars Movies - Rule of Two

Random Notes

ASOV page details was:

Add Me: Facebook.com/JoeyArnoldVN
Vietnam Group: Facebook.com/groups/hcmSG
102 Phạm Ngũ Lão Q.1, TP.HCM
Viettel: 0168-478-5542


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Dick Virus

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Open Schools

Magic of Corona

A Centralized Blockchain Hell for the Prison Planet.

If It Could Save One Life

WHO Dr. Ryan- Coronavirus May be here to Stay- Crafting a Narrative

Big Centralized Tech- We Ensure "Free Speech"

When Other States Are Opening Up and Michigan is Still Told to "Stay Home"

WHO Knew 5G Radiation Disrupts the Immune System and Cognitive Function

I have 2 events this weekend, Check this out!

Sweden about to reach herd immunity!

My Autobiography

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Avatar for joeyarnoldvn
3 years ago


Sad to hear about the first story. Thanks for letting this news out for us.

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3 years ago