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4 years ago

Humans are master builders. So, globalists got entertainers and others to program future generations to build a dystopia. That was one of the purposes to Hollywood and free television in the 20th Century, to trick humans into creating a post-human world. Today, I was painting stain on the patio fence for almost nine hours.


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2020-05-07 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-05-07 - Thursday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

After That

12:34 AM - After That

Futurama is set in the 4th millennium, the 31st century, as in 3000 A.D. and beyond. In Star Trek: The Next Generation, Picard meets a god, a being called Q who is one of my favorite characters and Q is from the future. I'm a big fan of science fiction. The future beyond the third millennium can give us hope or scare us half to death.

The Future

Will we be in Heaven or Hell in thousands of years from now? What do you think about transhumanism? Can we reincarnate or upload our brains into clouds and robots? What do you think about Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica? I don't even time right now to talk about other dimensions, let alone parallel universes and timelines.

New Normal

12:47 AM - Hive

I sure hope so. Those are good things. So, all of this is pushing some people towards making better choices in life, like you said. It might be a question still of how many people or how often people might slow down a bit.

Before Christ

01:41 AM - Before Christ

Evolution or Creation? Where do we come from? Star Wars, a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away. Is our planet thousands or billions of years old? When was the last ice age? Do we come from monkeys or from Adam & Eve? Were the pyramids built by the Egyptian Sheddai Giants? The World Flood may have happened as recent as like the third millennium before our common era, that is before Christ. But what about the dinosaurs? What about the Chinese? Did I tell you I love history? Who wouldn't?


The Bronze Age. King David. King Solomon. The Babylonian Empire expanded in the second millennium B.C. The Greeks. Alexander the Great. The Romans. Christ was born around 4 B.C. some say. The Assyrian Empire expanded in the first millennium B.C.


02:02 AM - Timeline

History outline. Once upon a time, there were cavemen, right? After that, we see the rise of Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Rome, Greece, and other empires before Christ. We see the rise of Islam during the first millennium A.D. We see the dark ages and the American Revolution during the 2nd millennium. We see the rise of tech cartel in the third millennium.

World History

What will we see beyond that? As we learn from the past, we can better prepare for the future. That's why I love history so much.


Did not watch Vikings. Went to bed at 03:05 AM.


03:05 AM - 10:45 AM


10:45 AM - 08:00 PM - Tom Sawyer. Home Improvement. Tim the Tool Man Taylor. Tea. Graphics card on computer. Not finishing the render. Glowing colors or highlights on the screen, everywhere. Plants. Apartments. Regulations. Transplant. Pots. Rant. Let it all out. What it means to be a friend. Painting stain on the patio fence all day. Mexicans. Hola. No farm like yesterday. Banana and banana bread. Dishes at 07:00 PM.

Dinner & a Book

08:00 PM - 08:45 PM - Soup on banana bread. Yogurt smoothy in a jar. Reading Killing Uncle Sam. Governments used CIA to overreach in fighting communism. Catholics, the CIA, and the Mafia, would use tyranny in fighting communism. By the way, in Burma, there was a war between Islam and Communist China.


08:45 PM - 10:45 PM

Gab Chat

10:55 AM - Gab Chat

Hello, is this Yahoo Chat from 1998?

I was born in 1985 in Oregon and was especially starting to use the Internet around 1998.

We would go to the library for Internet as we didn't have any at the house and you would only get like an hour per day or maybe longer if nobody else was waiting.

I am new to Gab Chat. Didn't know there was one until literally like a minute ago.

YouTube said London Real TV blocked the Alex Jones Show video in the USA.

Banned Video

11:13 PM - Hollywood/Globalists Publicly Admit Lockdown Designed to Depopulate Planet, Collapse Capitalist Countries - FULL SHOW 5/7/20

Big Pharma and others want and try to get billions of dollars not to feed poor starving people in many countries around the world in 2020, as over 100 million people may die, as in ten times more than then in previous years in the 2010's, but instead they want to shoot up people with bad vaccines that do kill people.

Bill Maher said we either have to root for a recession or lose a democracy. But aren't those 2 things the same thing?

The new priesthood is doctors.

The Shelton Music page removed my Oatmeal Market page in my Oatmeal Market group on Facebook yesterday. So, today, I removed the Shelton Music Inc page from that group. I don;t know which person did it via that page.



CBS was caught staging patients at a hospital

So many hospitals did it

The hype

The fear

Using Covid to force tyranny on us all

Buy and sell at Oatmeal Market.

Where do allergies come from? Vaccines.


Banned Video

11:13 PM - Hollywood/Globalists Publicly Admit Lockdown Designed to Depopulate Planet, Collapse Capitalist Countries - FULL SHOW 5/7/20

Random Notes

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Dick Virus

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Are We Going to be Forced to Test, Sent to Hospitals, and Left to Die?

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4 years ago
