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4 years ago

Did Odin die on a tree many years before Christ did? Guy is like oh no, the boss will cut my dick off. Girl smiles, you better come to my house first then. Why? Well, you know, you better use it before you lose it. Corona Dick Virus is doing that. Bill Gates and others are making us unable to have children.

Will Not Punch Now

Government forcing citizens to stay at home in quarantine lockdown is like punching a person in the gut. Government ending the economic shutdown is like a bully telling the kid he will stop beating the kid up. We need to realize that when people drop charges, that does not undo what they did. We need to punish them.

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2020-05-02 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-05-02 - Saturday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in May of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Stefan Molyneux

02:08 PM - Live Debate! DR BEN BURGIS vs STEFAN MOLYNEUX The Ethics of Capitalism!?!

Clone Wars

2020-05-02 - Saturday - 03:04 AM - 03:28 AM - Clone Wars 711


Ahsoka captured Maul

The entire grand army was programmed by the Bill Gates Vaccine to hunt down and destroy the Jedi. Execute Order 66.


2020-05-02 - Saturday - 03:30 AM - 04:15 AM - Vikings 302

Her uncle would rape her as a kid. So, she was happy when they were able to execute him.

Bilingual show. She stabs his head. This guy stabs a guys leg up. SHe goes him. He tries to make out with her. She says no. She slaps him. He doesn't know ancient English or old English but understood when she said no as she walked off. She yelled no. Maybe he didn't understand what it meant but laughed about it as he was drunk.

Three women had the same dream. Snow. Man. Fire. Expectation.

Did Odin die on a tree many years before Christ did? They cut off his arm. He asked them to as the arm was injured.

Sleep. In my dream, I was looking at apples with some people or a person but forget who. I noticed some apples were rotting and saw one side of one apple for example. I eventually started to eat that one apple and then realized the other side was rotting and then I probably stopped and was shocked that I forgot that it was rotting.

Stefan Molyneux

10:50 AM - Live Debate! DR BEN BURGIS vs STEFAN MOLYNEUX The Ethics of Capitalism!?!

Continued watching.

Tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye?

The other guy said that if everyone would do business, then there would be nobody left to do the business of farming. Well, he said there would be nobody left to grow the food. But growing food is a business. Manufaturing is a business.

Ben did not react to what Stefan said, most of the time.

Liberty Hangout

12:10 AM - Madness in Michigan!



Foxi News

01:30 PM - Alex Jones info Wars :Learn How to Survive The Globalist Triggered Megadepression of 2020-FULL SHOW

It's America that is the problem. It's a globalist syndicate.kihhi

Dishes for like an hour.

Japan is legendary and I would miss it too.

Where is Joey? Are you in Vietnam? Akari Hoshino, No. But I taught English in Vietnam for 5 years and I'm now near Seattle.

Old Souls

03:27 PM - Saturday LIVE: Life Is Dangerous Ed. w/Special Guest RDoctorD

Old souls come back to life when the world hits 7.8 billion people, gobalists think? Is that what they believe? Is that a reason for depopulation?

I love Yu-Gi-Oh! Also, the Seven Ninja Kids.

Seven Lucky Ninja Kids (1989)

03:35 PM - Facebook

Seven Lucky Ninja Kids(1989) Trailer. I was born in 1985. We would watch this movie in the early 1990's. This film was probably my first exposure to Japan. I really loved it as a kid as the film is fun and the theme song is fun to sing. I would pretend to sing it even as I didn't know Japanese. Akari Hoshino and her sister loved that film. They pretended to be like ninja kids. Me too. Wow. Did not know but what an inspiration. And that is very cool.


03:43 PM - 7 Ninja Kids Opening Sequence

Red Letter Media

03:48 PM - A Conversation with Samurai Cop star Matt Hannon (part 1 of 2)

Matt grew up in Portland, Oregon. Later moved to Los Angeles.

Guy is like oh no, the boss will cut my dick off. Girl smiles, you better come to my house first then. Why? Well, you know, you better use it before you lose it.

War Room


Government forcing citizens to stay at home in quarantine lockdown is like punching a person in the gut. Government ending the economic shutdown is like a bully telling the kid he will stop beating the kid up. We need to realize that when people drop charges, that does not undo what they did.


05:53 PM - Facebook

Kelly Ky Van Roy, Reminds me of a movie from the 1990's where these kids go to like China to save a panda and they fall in a river and they get leeches all over their body.

This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Super Girl

Best of the Worse

Red Letter Media

Soup dinner


Extended family show

Red Letter Media

07:10 PM - Best of the Worst: Theodore Rex, Carnosaur, Tammy and the T-Rex

Do you want to be an admin of my groups, pages, etc? Then join this group.

Oatmeal Admin

Let me know your favorite topics, subjects, themes, hobbies, interests, goals, etc, etc, and I can try to find groups, pages, etc, which you may want to be an admin of. Feel free to invite new people as well. There are many different groups, pages, etc, to choose from, please let me know what you like and what you want to do.

Please let me know which kinds of groups you would want to be an admin of. I have many for you to choose from.

Just let me know which groups, pages, etc, you want to be an admin of.

If you want to be an admin, apply here. Just let me know. I made this group to recruit and find admins, mods, etc, for my groups, pages, etc. You can also make your own and share them here.I encourage head admins to delegate and make and delete admins.

Do you prefer individualism or collectivism? Many people outside of America are inclined more towards the latter than to the former.

09:00 PM - 11:00 PM - Nap. Not here to chat. Shouldn't be there. Not for that. Bunnies in the hill. Not there for that. Moving on. SHe said dm me playa. Ok. Not here to chat. Oh. Blocked. Oh ok. I see. Not the best business plan but I see.

Can you feel the love tonight? A Lion King song. It makes you feel good inside as you look at the sunset.

Share your groups, pages, accounts, events, etc, in this group.

Facebook Groups

Lego Tu La Đạo Well, Yes. No. The goal is to delegate, prioritize, minimize, focus, transition, etc. So, it depends. What I do right now is temporary. But at the same time, I spend time on many websites. Facebook is a tool like a knife. So, I take advantage of it. I spend time leaving hundreds of groups in April of 2020. But in doing so, I say hello to some people while leaving. And I am giving away my groups to people like you so that I can spend less time on Facebook in the future. And if Facebook deletes me AGAIN, then I could make a new account and you or another admin could come in and make my new account an admin. That is one of the purposes in having many admins. It is a backup plan.

Tu La Đạo, And I do currently have 8 accounts that I make admins of some of my groups. So, if an admin removes me, then I might try to go in via one of my other 8 accounts to ban the admin that removed me and then I can add myself back. And like I said, if Facebook terminates my account, then I could try to make a new account and then use one of my other accounts to turn my new account profile into an admin. But it is possible that Facebook could disabled all of my accounts. That is why I like having other people as admins as well. I also just want my groups to be like small towns with activity. I am just trying my best to keep things going as I do not want my groups, pages, etc, to just die like some do. I want my things to outlive me both online and even OFFLINE as well.


Stefan Molyneux

02:08 PM - Live Debate! DR BEN BURGIS vs STEFAN MOLYNEUX The Ethics of Capitalism!?!

Clone Wars

2020-05-02 - Saturday - 03:04 AM - 03:28 AM - Clone Wars 711


2020-05-02 - Saturday - 03:30 AM - 04:15 AM - Vikings 302

Liberty Hangout

12:10 AM - Madness in Michigan!

Craig Mason

12:28 PM - Saturday LIVE: Life Is Dangerous Ed. w/Special Guest RDoctorD




01:22 PM - 🔴 LIVE: Ask Barbie Anything! | Barbie

The NPC Show

01:27 PM - 🗣Californian Protests | Invisible Enemy | Lying Froto | 🟧⬜🟪The NPC Show

Foxi News

01:30 PM - Alex Jones info Wars :Learn How to Survive The Globalist Triggered Megadepression of 2020-FULL SHOW


03:37 PM - Seven Lucky Ninja Kids(1989) Trailer


03:43 PM - 7 Ninja Kids Opening Sequence

Red Letter Media

03:48 PM - A Conversation with Samurai Cop star Matt Hannon (part 1 of 2)

Red Letter Media

04:34 PM - Best of the Worst: Ninja Movies

War Room


Red Letter Media

07:10 PM - Best of the Worst: Theodore Rex, Carnosaur, Tammy and the T-Rex

Random Notes

in a dm with angie, an english student, i commented on her video on facebook where she talks about learning english as a vietnamese woman

i think you can speak well
do not worry too much
remember that even fluent english speakers make mistakes
many americans may mess up when talking
you have good advice
one good way to learn is through conversation

Admins, please ban members who post spam.

Shane Hulsey reported some posts.

The art of storytelling.

I have on Skype, etc.

Backyard security camera ran out of batteries on the 26th of April of 2020, that is Sunday. Almost 5,000 pics.

Oh, you can say no. You don't want to be an admin. Too busy perhaps. Yes. Agreed. People should prioritize. Now, being an admin does not mean you would have to do anything, ever. But I understand what you are saying. Hope you can find some rest or some peace. Maybe some tea can help.

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Dick Virus

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4 years ago
