Tim Pool drove around America with a solar powered vehicle. What would be key would be to have backup batteries that you charge with the sun so that you can still drive when there is no sun like a normal car. Instead of gasoline, water.
Farm Wars
Are they forcing farms into killing cows? Why is government forcing farmers to throw away food? Why are we importing food that is less safe from other countries while dumping our own harvest in America? Also, why are we also exporting food to China at the same time?
Trojan Corona
Corona is the Trojan Horse delivering the virus of communism and globalism to the world.
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2020-04-28 - Tuesday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-28 - Tuesday
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.
Facebook Groups
Joe Rogan
12:22 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1465 - Tim Pool
Tim Pool drove around America with a solar powered vehicle. What would be key would be to have backup batteries that you charge with the sun so that you can still drive when there is no sun like a normal car. Instead of gasoline, water.
You don't have to use a proxy to make sock puppet accounts. You can simply log in and out different accounts or use different web browsers.
Stefan Molyneux
12:27 AM - #Coronavirus Update: ECONOMIC DEATH
Trojan Corona
Corona is the Trojan Horse delivering the virus of communism and globalism to the world.
Stefan was doing some weeding today as he grows food. Why? Because there may not always be food at the store and you may not always have money.
Baked Blunts
12:32 AM - THE NAZI ORIGINS OF A BILL GATES-BACKED SHUTDOWN | American Countdown (4/27/20)
Stay at Home Jews
In the 1930's and 1940's, the government in Germany was saying they needed to do things for the health and survival of the human race. They said they needed to puts Jews or certain people in the ghetto or in an isolated place to keep other people healthy. But first, they had to find out who was who in order to know who was a Jew. Later on, they said they needed to take the sick people in trains to these places. They did not say they were going to kill these people.
Technical difficulties
Looking at different websites to find the vikings
2020-04-28 - Tuesday - 04:45 AM - 05:31 AM - Vikings 208
Child birth. But the baby has deformed legs. Should we kill it?
Boy training with his uncle
This princess is like a whore
Freewill vs Fate
Is life but a boat to a new land?
05:32 AM - 11:00 AM - Sleep. Banana. Bread thing. Coffee. Think about color. Think about bulding things. Brown and or purple but almost the same.
11:10 AM - If Every Villain Had An Assistant (Kevin the Assistant Compilation)
Best part is Facebook and Google embodied at the end. They merge.
Thug Goosh
Backup Food
Exactly. I had some apple trees growing up. So, my mom would make apple pie for Thanksgiving annually. So, good idea.
Park in Vietnam
Mark is not in those photos. I taught English at the park when I had some free time for fun, to meet new people, to meet new potential students, to take photos, videos, to talk, to have fun. I was not living at the park. I had an apartment room near the park. I would walk across the street to get to the park. I would go to the park in the afternoon and stay for several hours. In the evening, I would go somewhere for dinner and then walk back to my house.
Karate Place
Doug Tesdal, white dude with beard. His wife was a teacher also. He ran that karate place near our house in the 1990's. He reminds me of Chuck Norris.
Farm Wars
Are they forcing farms into killing cows? Why is government forcing farmers to throw away food? Why are we importing food that is less safe from other countries while dumping our own harvest in America? Also, why are we also exporting food to China at the same time?
Painting Grey Brown
11:40 AM - 04:50 PM - Painting the wood shed.
Pills. Bread on soup. Milk. Coffee.
Alex Jones
04:56 PM
Alex Jones is talking about eating his neighbors in a few years, that is if we are out of food. But we will start with the globalists.
Great Depression
Over 45 percent of Americans were independent during the great depression and yet it was still a big problem and millions of people were dying in the 1930's and less than 5% of Americans have been self-sufficient in the 2010's.
Twitter Trending
Open California Now
Texas Standing Up
Did business owners tear up the citation, the fines, from the globalists, in order to ignore the tyranny and get back to work?
Decentralizing Business
Did that guy hire a random guy to clean up his house this time as opposed to doing it through a company? Did Alex Jones and his wife go to a house to get their hair cut and nails done? Are barbers saying they may not go back to doing it though an agency? Are they becoming more and more like how small Vietnamese in Vietnam do business in their houses? Are globalists arresting them? Yes. Globalists are arresting good patriots. The control freaks are killing business men and women. Stand up and fight for freedom each day. Be willing to die for what you believe in.
Star Wars Theory
05:48 PM - Reacting to Clone Wars Ray Park as Maul - Official Behind the Scenes with Dave Filoni
That's a cool ninja girl, Mary Kim.
Lionel Nation
05:58 PM - Live Stream Daily Update: Quarantine/Imprisonment/Isolation
save the whales and cows
Sasa Handa
06:30 PM - Facebook Photo | Sasa Handa Panda | Akari Hoshino
It's Panda Lending a Helping Handa All Over the Landa.
My New Group
Siêu thị thời trang trực tuyến hàng đầu Việt Nam
I changed it into
Oatmeal Market - 28K members - connected to 130 groups
Oatmeal Market - Facebook Page
China First
Ty Huu Bui, Is it my country first or China first?
08:00 PM - 09:00 PM - Nap.
Joe Rogan
10:50 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1465 - Tim Pool
Be Your Own Supply Chain
The Black Plague ended in 1353
The Coronavirus started in 2019
That's 666 years in between... Coincidence?
Altered Carbon is an interesting show
Joe Rogan
12:22 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1465 - Tim Pool
Stefan Molyneux
12:27 AM - #Coronavirus Update: ECONOMIC DEATH
Baked Blunts
12:32 AM - THE NAZI ORIGINS OF A BILL GATES-BACKED SHUTDOWN | American Countdown (4/27/20)
TV Promo
03:56 AM - Prodigal Son (FOX) Trailer #2 HD
2020-04-28 - Tuesday - 04:45 AM - 05:31 AM - Vikings 208
11:10 AM - If Every Villain Had An Assistant (Kevin the Assistant Compilation)
Thug Goosh
Star Wars Theory
05:48 PM - Reacting to Clone Wars Ray Park as Maul - Official Behind the Scenes with Dave Filoni
Lionel Nation
05:58 PM - Live Stream Daily Update: Quarantine/Imprisonment/Isolation
General Shepherd
06:02 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Tuesday - 4/28/20
Random Notes
curiousity can kill the cat who runs in the sky at mdnight and what happened to soph on youtube? is she sophia or just soph? oh, she is on another website... she did not go boom.... i find japan to be interesting... take captive every thought... latin? did you learn latin. answers in genesis spain. 12:16 AM. around thirty minutes ago, facebook groups
is there an app for that? is there a button i can press to make this thing happen? Who is Alicia Keys crossed with the legs of Beyonce?
Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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