Slaves of poverty and wealth

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, Money, ...

"Why aren't we told about money in school?" The child's question shocked the father. The father said: "Because the government doesn't want that." The child said again: "So should I earn money in school?" I will never be able to know about?''

If a person becomes a prisoner of circumstances, there is no difference between a poor person and a rich person In his book, Robert Kiusa writes that a poor person is not poor from childhood, his actions are poor, poverty is in his words.

"Then why don't I just learn about money instead of working?" His father thought, as if to say, "Yes, you're right." This kid was Robert Kiyosaki. His quest brought him to his friend's father. He was an entrepreneur whom Robert dubbed "Rich Dad." Robert began working in his office, but he agreed to mentor him on the condition that he "Rich Dad" said that when a person gets paid, his mind stops thinking about money. Benefited. Starting his professional life, he enlisted in the US Navy, then worked as a "tanker officer" for Standard Oil. He also participated in the 1972 US Vietnam War and then a few years later he Attended a seminar that changed his life.

Robert started his own company which quickly became popular, but surprisingly lost all his capital within a short time. He became poor. After that he started a business of t-shirts and bags but this company was also somewhat successful. It was not proved. Since he knew well the factors that are harmful in business, so he started telling people the measures to avoid loss in business. His suggestions were effective and many people started to develop their business. 1992. It was revealed to him that he is also a good writer. He entered the field of authorship and "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and

Authors such as Why "A" Students Work for "C" Students" have set popularity records. Thanks to them, Robert Kiyosaki is a guru in the business world today and millions of people are benefiting from his ideas. Robert says: "A poor man is not poor from childhood, he is poor from his actions." Poverty is in man's words. He says I have no money, I can't buy this thing and these words make his life poorer because we become what we speak. It is a way of escaping from his poverty and This is the trap in which most of the people of the world are caught.

Economic prosperity is a great blessing of Allah Almighty and we have to admit that whatever a person does in his life, he is actually doing it for "economic freedom". Everyone wants a life full of blessings and facilities. Freedom is the nature of man. He cannot be a slave to anyone. He wants a free life for himself. A life that he owns. I want him not to follow anyone else's will, but to live according to his own principles and rules. A life in which the power of choice is in his own hands, a life in which he has the right to decide.

This effort of economic freedom starts from the childhood of a person. There are many incidents in my childhood and yours in which we say that when I grow up, I will buy such and such things. It happens. When the journey of education begins, it is repeatedly put in the minds of children that get good marks, so that you can get a good job and become a successful person. In this whole journey from school to college or university, only two things come to mind: "Getting good grades and getting a good job." As I step into practical life, once again the thought comes to my mind that I have done so much. I want to earn money, after which I can become an economically independent person.

Let me build a nice house for myself, have an expensive car and get to a position where I don't have to worry about finances. I can go anywhere, eat in any restaurant and taste every rare blessing of the world. To reach this point, he gives hard work and great sacrifice. Difficult conditions during the job, adherence to rules and regulations, time constraints, boss. He endures the tough attitude and harshness of the weather so that a day will come when I will get financial freedom. Day and night hard work, long worries, worries, dangers and sacrificing even my sleep in my business is also because I grow. I want to reach a point where I get complete financial freedom and I can live life to the fullest.

Prosperity is actually that the life of a person does not run on the rate of petrol, whether the rate increases or decreases.

Don't let his life matter. Compared to this, the person whose life is affected by even minor inflation and is always worried about filling the bike with petrol, paying the electricity cable, and paying the children's fees, then it means that he is prosperous. He is not human. Such a person is trapped in the prison of circumstances and events and his life decisions also depend on those circumstances. Such a person stands outside a famous restaurant and tells his son that Kapiza is very famous here. When the son asks for food, he says , not now, will eat later. Because his pocket would not allow it. He postpones the purchase of everything thinking that "first come, then we will take it." This is the famous dialogue of the poor man and that is why he spends months. In between, he cannot buy all the things he wants for himself and his children.

"Economic freedom" is in the genes of man and that is why it repeatedly urges man to remove himself from the circle of constrained conditions and become free. He spends years to break these chains of conditions. If his determination is sincere. And if the direction of hard work is right, after a while he becomes an economically prosperous person. Now here he should enjoy his freedom, but often it happens that he wants to go one step further from this point. He desires and then he doesn't realize that after gaining freedom he has become a slave again. The purpose of achieving all this was to live the life he wanted but the lust for material things and the greed to accumulate more money. Now he is apparently a very rich person, but in reality, there is no difference between him and a poor person forced by circumstances. Both are slaves.

A person may become the richest person of the time, he has all the blessings in the world, but if his friend says to him that the holidays are coming, let's go to Europe and he says that I can't go, then even if he is the richest person, he is not free. These are the people who cannot take advantage of the blessings they have received. Their pantries are full but there is only one boiled dish on the table. These people cannot stand in the street and eat roasted "Bhatta". Can't drink syrup. They cannot sit in a dhaba and chat with their friends for hours, they cannot drink tea there. They are all prisoners of a golden cage. That these bars have robbed them of their freedom.

A man caught a parrot and imprisoned it in a beautiful sophisticated cage. He used to feed it different kinds of food every day. One day another parrot came and sat on the mandir of this house. Both of them looked at each other. The imprisoned parrot said: "My master is very good. He feeds me with his hands. He gives me various jams and pistachios. What kind of life are you living? In the tree where you live, there is wind, storm, rain and heat and cold. There is no protection. You come to me and you will have a lot of fun. "free parrot said: "Happy life to you, my friend! This is not relief but slavery and I am not ready to sell my freedom.”

Success really means being able to make your own decisions. In today's era, mobile has become an important communication tool, but if you can switch off your mobile for a few hours in your life and live your own life, it means that you Really successful people. You must have heard that famous and successful personalities of the world suddenly disappear from the scene for a few days. In fact, these people want to live the real life and for that they leave everything and go for a walk in the mountains and forests. They go to renew their natural freedom and truly enjoy life.

The father is the most successful person of his time. He spends the whole day in meetings with big personalities, makes plans and visits big institutions. When he comes home at night, he is exhausted. His son is waiting for him. He wants to meet and talk to his father, but the father says: "Son! I'm sorry. I don't have time, I'm very tired. What kind of success?

In a training session where big people from the corporate world were sitting, a question was asked to them that how many days have passed since they saw the sky? They said: "Sir! We see it every day." I said: "Not like that, who has seen it for five minutes with regular time and full consciousness?" The answer was silence. Then it was asked, "How many people have walked on wet grass with bare feet?" In response, silence once again. Remember! Every success that

conditions you, that makes you bound, is not freedom, it is slavery and that means It is that you are far away from real life.

Don't compromise on your freedom. If you are living a poor life, you don't have to stay like that all your life. You can break out of the shell you are locked in and make your life prosperous and free by adopting a better livelihood. It is necessary for you to change your way of thinking and stop accepting yourself as poor. If you are rich, don't run after earning more money so much that your freedom is taken away from you. Remember the people who lost their freedom. fall behind the exhibition, they have become hollow inside while showing others and this hollowness has deprived their life of peace.

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, Money, ...
