Man's inner clock
More or less two decades ago, when someone was asked, "Do you have a
watch?", It was understood that time is of the essence. With the advent of the
mobile phone, wristwatches have been lost and the question has become a
bit unsettling. Whether it's a feature phone or a smartphone, both have taken
over the watch's independent status. These clocks are human inventions but
there is also a "clock" that is due to nature. There are a good number of
people who wake up at night, but most people sleep in the dark at night and
work in broad daylight. Naturally, after dark, the eyes become heavy and the
sun's rays are a sign of awakening. Nature has made man something like this.
The shape of a circle is a flow in a journey of 24 hours, but there are also
changes in the body and mind. We go through many physical, mental and
connected to light. The best example of this is when we fall asleep at night and
wake up during the day. It is said that there is no substitute for a good night's
sleep. Dumb animals may say the same thing, but we can't hear them. In fact,
most lives, including humans, animals, plants, and even microbes, live this
way. Surprisingly, they have many small "clocks" inside them that help to
coordinate physical and mental functions with night and day. Inside a human
being, there is a pile of biological clocks. These clocks, made of special
molecules, are found in almost every tissue and organ. The genes for which
these watches are made are also found in humans, beetles, rats, and other
animals. Then we have a kind of clock inside which we can call "Supervisor clock".
This In addition to the body's tiny biological clocks, it communicates with the
external environment and acts as a central clock. In vertebrates or
vertebrates, the clock consists of thousands of nerve cells or neurons, and a
structure called the "suprachemical nucleus" or "SCN" resides in the lower
part of the brain. Under the influence of the internal clock or clocks, many
natural functions in the human body are self-generated in a sequence.
However, the presence of light in the environment hinders the process in
which light is at the forefront. If sleep does not come immediately after being
exposed to too much light, the cause of the disturbance is the interference of
light. Light and dark can speed up and slow down both biological clocks and
24-hour daily travel. It may cost a fortune. This can affect physical function
and health. Sleep and waking times may change. Hormone release can
change, eating habits, digestion and other bodily functions can be affected.
The slow or fast speed of biological clocks can disrupt or impair the smooth
physical and mental journey of everyday life. This anomaly can lead to many
chronic diseases such as sleep disorders, obesity, diabetes, insomnia and
bipolar disorder. It can also cause mood swings with the seasons. If you fall
asleep at night, understand that melatonin has done its job. The body's
regulatory clock, or "SCN", controls the production of melatonin. Information
from the eye to the brain travels through the optic nerve. With the onset of
light at night, SCN tends to release more melatonin to the brain. If artificial
light is around, the clock may be "misguided." Those who work in the light of
mobile phones at night to wake up The circle is affected. It is possible to get
out of this situation. Our natural clock keeps the body informed of the times
24 hours a day. That is, it works from within. The sun's rays help to rearrange
it. Even if a person is kept away from the sun and he is in complete darkness,
the clock continues to work, but the length of his circle is about 25 hours, that
is, it goes a little further. Our physical system on a daily basis. Travels with
change and a balance. For example, the hormones responsible for hunger
and digestion increase and decrease within 24 hours. The functions of the
chemical components responsible for the immune system also fluctuate, and
the components that respond to inflammation are more active at night. That
is why the fever often rises at night. Wisdom is also hidden in the system of
nature. At rest the bodv can fight infection better and at the same time Energy
can be diverted to this essential work instead of others. In the same way, the
release of the stress hormone cortisol at night decreases and increases in the
early morning. It is better that we take care of our internal clock. Avoid too
much light at night and use its darkness to sleep. That way we can take care of
our physical and mental health.