How I started knowing about and Bitcoin Cash

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Avatar for jhaxun
Written by
3 years ago


Hi there! I created a read cash account a few months ago but this will be my first time officially writing an article here. I wanted to start by sharing about myself. My first name is Jayson, 27 years old and a single man - well I have a girlfriend for 3 years now. My username here on and on the website is both "jhaxun". That is my nickname when I started working for the company I am currently in right now. By the way, I work as a customer service representative in a huge booking platform though not directly working with them but through BPO - Business Process Outsourcing.

How it started..

Alright, I guess that is too much for an introduction. What I wanted to share is how bitcoin cash becomes part of my life as well as It all started when my cousin told me about the website where he is earning some cash by posting anything. Well, that's the time where there is no rule yet about the quality of posts and stuff. Going back, I really got interested when he tells me how the website works so I give it a try. During the sign-up process, there is this tick box that will delete your account if you tick it. So I said to myself, wow this website is indeed interesting.

So I signed up, if I remember it correctly it was last January 27, 2020. I started my first post with "New here. Have a nice day to everyone. ☺️". Of course, the first tip that I got is from my cousin who invited me. So I continue posting about my daily life and stuff and then I am getting more notification about receiving my free tips, tips from other users, and notification if someone replied to one of my posts. I also use my bitcoin cash wallet from that time and starting to get notifications on my phone and text message of the bch coming into my account. So I told myself this is a good start for me, then I invited my girlfriend to join as well. That was also the time when I saw a post that redirects to so I signed up on as well to check it out, but just I tried to comment on some posts as I am not familiar with how it works before.

As time passed by more features and updates is added or being announced by the admin - talking head of and which somehow changes how the users interact on the website. There are lots of giveaways before, those people who post like first 10,20,30,40, etc and they will ask you to do or comment something so they will give their free tip to you. Well at the start it is fine because they are sharing, but it was one of the reasons why there are lots of spam posts or comments. Then suddenly an update was announced about the eligibility of getting free tips by having the quality or original content. Since I was into giveaways that time, I was tagged as "Eligible - high risk(low-quality post)" I am not sure if that was the exact tagging but it should be something like that. After that update, I am not getting any free tips anymore. So I tried my best to post something longer than before and of course original content by blogging or sharing what I do in my daily life. After 3 days I was shocked and got a notification that my free tips are back! Thank you Lord!


After all of what happened and what I experience I make sure that my post is original and have quality. I can also see that sometimes the admin is commenting back and tipping some of my posts and it makes me happy. And before I forgot the last 2 updates are the best updates that happen to so far, the heart tip on the posts/comments, and the option to set up a minimum payout on the wallet to remove the struggle with consolidation fees. Thumbs up to the team for the continued development of the site. πŸ‘

Closing thoughts..

As of the moment, I am more than 3 months as an active user and earning mostly about 1-2 dollars a day. We mostly use the earnings we got for food trips. Yeah, I and my girl loves eating.πŸ˜„ I continue to learn about bitcoin cash and other cryptocurrencies as I interact with other users. I also learned some terms like HODL, DYOR, etc, on there. I am not that active in, but I also read some articles that were being shared on the platform that redirects here. The reason why I decided to make an article or write something here in is that I saw lots of inspiring posts on noise about how they grow and earn in, so I told myself, why not I give it a try? So here I am, trying my luck. I guess that's all for now. This is my first time creating a blog post or an article so please excuse me if it doesn't look good in the eyes of some readers. Take care always!


$ 0.07
$ 0.05 from @ellimacandrea
$ 0.02 from @Carewind
Avatar for jhaxun
Written by
3 years ago


Congratulations and goodluck on your journey. Thanks for posting on this community. 😍 I'd follow you on noise and i also hope youd do the same. πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much! I think I already follow you before. Yeah I can confirm, I am already subs to you. ☺️

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Hahaha. Thank you. Thank you. God bless you and lets support each other!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice one lods,., Galing ahh,., !!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

$ 0.00
3 years ago