Loki: An introduction to Marvel's philosophy

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3 years ago

Marvel Studios has been very bold to take advantage of the new trend of streaming to continue presenting us their film adaptations now in series format, specifically on the Disney Plus platform.

For now, they have 3 series of one season, two have already finished and we are currently enjoying the episodes of the third one: Loki, we are on the third episode and so far this series has been the one that has led me to investigate and reflect on deeper themes of Marvel, for that reason, I say that it has been like an introduction to their philosophy.

Indeed, behind everything, there is a philosophy, since this is nothing more than the vision of the world, the human being, and all the reality that surrounds him. Well, this series leads one to think almost without realizing it, about the themes that are in the background of the whole plot.

Here I am going to touch on two of those that stand out in the first episode and that in one way or another will also be present in the following:

  • Determinism and free will. One of the fundamentals of this series is that Loki is a prisoner of the AVT (Authority of Temporal Variation), for having made a jump in time by stealing the third act.

This AVT's mission is to maintain the order of events in the world, because, everything is predestined to happen but there are people who skip these events, these are the variants, whose destiny is - according to this episode - to be eliminated (that is, to be reset), because otherwise, they create parallel and diverse timelines.

The point of reflection here is on the subject of free will, because if everything is determined, what role would our decisions play? What sense would our choices have? Undoubtedly this is a great topic for debate.

  • Introspection Vs. Extrospection. Loki is known as the god of mischief and deceit, so the image of his personality that we had until this series was of someone who was unreflective, selfish, only concerned about his interests without taking into account anything else but his own welfare.

Well, this first episode impresses the evolution of this character who is gradually led by Mobius (an agent of the AVT) to enter and inquire within himself about the motives of his actions, in fact, it can be said that it is the presentation of Loki more as an antihero than as a villain.

I love this fact because it is very close to what the human being is, we are not a finished product and we can always go discovering ourselves more and better and, in the same way, manifest other facets that can complete the image that others have of us.

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3 years ago
