Fun Games for RV Trips

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2 years ago

When you're on the road on an RV trip, you spend a lot of time, well, on the road. While an RV offers more entertainment and space opportunities, compared to a typical road trip in a smaller vehicle, those hours can leave your passengers eager to get things done. Here are several ideas for ways to pass time between destinations:

Alphabet game

This tried-and-true classic inspires friendly competition and requires fun88 enough focus to keep RV passengers occupied with scrolling signs etc. This game can be played in two different ways. In one version, you start with the letter A and you have to find a word (when passing billboards, road signs, etc.) that starts with the letter A. No other player can use the same word again. After you find A, you move to B - whoever passes through Z first, wins! Other versions simplify the game by allowing you to find the letter anywhere, not just at the beginning of the word. In this version, you can find the characters on the license plates as well.

play cards

Whether you choose gin rummy or go fish, the RV is perfect for playing card games because, unlike other vehicles, you have table space! Poker and black jack will suit older audiences, while younger players can enjoy simpler games like slap and memory. If you are tired of traditional games, pick a target and see who can throw the most cards in the trash, etc. Clicking on the cards is more difficult than you might expect - and it's addicting trying to master your technique. Also, an RV trip is as good a time as any to get rid of all the old card tricks — your audience is captivated, after all.

I'm spying

This is a good way to stay entertained while still enjoying the traffic scene. Each player takes turns choosing an object outside and gives a clue, such as, "I'm spying on something green." Players take turns guessing what the object is until someone understands it correctly, and whoever guesses correctly can choose the next object. Be careful - if you don't pick out a larger object in the distance, it will likely pass too fast for anyone to guess. If you run out of larger options, you can pick up things inside the RV.

Count the cow

If you're in cow country, start counting! Assign players to face different windows, set a time limit, and see who can select the most cows. No cattle around? Choose what suits the area you are in - specific type of tree or cactus, oil drills, planes, etc. Employ this game by adding a prize to the team with the highest number before the time runs out.

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Avatar for jessicajack
2 years ago
