Many people want to earn or grow their investment/momey through stock trading and/or digital currency exchange/trades. These are the very simple answer to all your"question(s)/(?)".
Question #1: WHAT is our/your/my GOAL in investing and/or trading money in STOCK MARKET???.
Answer#1: SIMPLE, TO make our money GROW.
Question #2: HOW to make our/your/my money GROW???.
Answer#2: SIMPLE, "SUPPLY & DEMAND". It means when there's more BUYERS than sellers then the PRICE will gO UP in stock market. But when there's more SELLERS than buyers then the PRICE will Go Down in stock market.
Question #3: WHAT will BOOST people to BUY more???.
Answer #3: The COMPANY is how more PROFITABLE like there's transparency in their net profit income/expenditures and/or have good dividends. Also had company expansion and/or joint ventures with trusted proven companies/partners. So that there's more and more potential individual or buyers to engage/invest to the company itself.
Question #4: WHAT IF there's a RECESSIONS(more investors selling their assets and/or investments???.
Answer #4: SIMPLE, because of what we call "UNCONTROLLED EVENTS" like this happening right now. A global/worldwide health crisis (PANDEMIC).
So, that's it but in my next article (Part 2) of this. I will give you all the basic logical strategies and techniques to NOT let this happen to youππ. Just always BE UPDATED to my PUBLICATION ARTICLE CONTENTS so that you always have a PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES before YOU LOSE and/or WIN your MONEY grow.π