how to gains weight: vitamins exercise and many more

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Now a days a lot people tend to be problematic about their weight and body fats. For now I will be talking about Gaining weight, how it is properly done and different vitamins to take.

First let us talk about the importance of weight, body figure, and the risk of being skinny. If a person is skinny, they tend to easily get sick like runny nose, cough, and viral infections, they also tend to have a weak immune system. Osteoporosis or thinning of bones is common to those very skinny, and if they accidentally fall, they are more likely to have a bone fracture.

There are many reasons why a person is very skinny, like genetically or by nature, and other health problem like Thyroid problem, Coeliac Disease, Eating Disorder, Daibetes and some infections like HIV and Tuberculosis.

Now let us talk about what you have to do if you want to gain weight.

  1. You have to more!. You need 300 to 500 extra calories every days and it should be healthy calories. You want to avoid the empty calories or Simple Carbohydrates like Soda and white bread because consuming will make you gain weigh but in different locations like in your tummy. here are thing you can do to increase your calories intake.

    1. Eat snacks with high calories like yogurt, creams, nuts and dried fruits.

    2. Put sauces that are high in calories like mayonnaise and virgin olive oil.

    3. Make sure to eat 3 time a days that are high in fats, protein and carbohydrates.

    4. Drink milk. It has a lot of calories.

    5. Use bigger plate.

    6. Don't drink water before eating.

    7. drink weight gain shake.

  2. Exercise. You need yo exercise yo put those fats in the right places. because if you eat more and do not exercise those fats will go directly to you tummy. You can do squats, press ups, and deadlifts to gain muscle in the right places.

  3. Sleep more. A professional athletes sleeps atleast 10hrs a day because sleep is very important when it come in having muscles in the body.

Always remember that Health is Wealth specially in our world right now with the Covid19. Even if your skinny or fat the important is that you are healthy in all way.

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