Sacrifices that can be made for a healthy life

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1 year ago

A good life is basically a healthy life. Although we often look for happiness in abstract places, even though it is a cliche, "health is the beginning of everything." You don't need to make huge sacrifices for a healthy life. Develop healthy habits for a healthy life.

Not smoking should be at the top of your list of healthy living choices. Smoking causes emphysema, cancer and heart disease, as well as killing 440,000 people in the US every year. Everyone should visit their doctor regularly for routine blood pressure checks, cancer screenings and vaccinations. "It is especially important for people over 50 to get screened for colon cancer and for women over 40 to get screened for breast cancer. Women up to 65 years of age should also have a pap-smear test every year. Children under 18 should also have regular chemotherapy and see a doctor regularly for counseling on smoking, drugs and sexuality.

It is especially important for children to be vaccinated to reduce the impact of flu on the population. The updated pertussis vaccine is also becoming more important every year. For people over 65, the shingles vaccine is also a good idea.

How we eat is one of the most important factors in keeping us healthy and fit. Heart disease, diabetes and some cancers are directly related to what we eat. We need to reduce our consumption of red meat and animal fats, eat more whole grains, and increase our consumption of vegetables and fruits. Choose fish instead of red meat at least once a week. Drinking enough water is also very important to promote healthy digestion. Instead of coffee, opt for a glass of water or soda. If you want to eat more, feel fuller and gain less weight, include in your diet fibrous foods such as barley, buckwheat and vegetable soups that will protect you from the cold and increase your body's resistance in winter.

Depending on age and condition, you should start low and progress slowly, but you should train at least 3 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes. If possible, exercise four to six times a week for 30 to 60 minutes is essential to prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression.

Most people need between 6 and 8 hours of sleep a night. Getting enough sleep is important for a healthy life and a fit body, along with regular nutrition and exercise. Sleep is a natural healer and revitalizer. Unfortunately, many people sacrifice sleep to be productive. Lack of sleep affects our daily mood, motivation, focus and decision-making, and has a significant impact on memory. A good night's sleep is essential both before and after we learn something so that we can commit it to memory.

Excessive alcohol consumption is a threat to good health. Too much alcohol can cause liver damage and contribute to head and neck cancer. Alcohol is also a major factor in traffic fatalities, violence and suicide.

Watch your weight: Being overweight hinders the health of many people. Carrying too much weight increases the risk of all common diseases and increases stress on the joints, which can lead to arthritis.

We only get our own natural teeth once in a lifetime. Poor dental health can be expensive and painful, as well as hindering overall health. Brush twice a day, floss every day and visit your dentist regularly.

People who actively take care of their personal care are also healthier and fitter. Good health consumers do their own research. It is very important to know your weight and cholesterol levels and to monitor your own progress.

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1 year ago
