DISCLAIMER: I am writing this article on my own opinion and observation. So, if happens that I have used words against your beliefs or I have some misinterpretation, I stand to be corrected. Again, this is based on my own opinion and observation.
Have you notice some changes after the QR Code challenge was conducted in noise.cash? How was it for you?
It was last Saturday, July 31, 2021 when noise.cash notified me about the anniversary of SmartBCH. And in connection to that, you'll get a reward if you tip a random user using QR code. Even before noise.cash notified me, I already know that QR code challenge exist because of some post made by the users who were notified by noise.cash regarding the reward. Who wouldn't want a dollar reward after sharing atleast 0.01 dollar right? Of course, anyone would love to join the said challenge. So upon learning that the challenge is existing, I asked other users by making post if anyone can join the said challenge, even if there's no message received from noise.cash. Some answered that you can only join if you got the message. So I waited for that message. Finally, I got the said message last Saturday. And as me being excited to try the challenge, I tipped a random user. After a minute or two the reward came. Yes, it's really a 1-dollar reward.
Tipping were still normal that day not until last Tuesday, three days after I joined the challeged, I started to notice the decreasing value of hearts. It's alarming because at that moment I'm starting to earn atleast .30$ a post. I thought it was because I accidentally uploaded one of post twice because of poor signal connection and that noise.cash considered me as spammer again but then that isn't the reason. I put up a post again asking the users what might be the reason of the decreasing value of hearts. Some says, it's because of the random tipping. Yes, but the heart I always recieved do have a tip. (Right now, it's almost like I'm starting again, recieving hearts but not tips) Then came this user replying to my post about my concern, telling me that she also have the same experience after joining the first QR code challenge. She said that, value of hearts got do have smaller values (or no value at all) when you post on a channel or chamber compared to when you post on your wall (normal heart value). After hearing that from her, I tried posting on my wall and got the result she's saying.
I'm not saying that it's because of the QR code challenge because noise.cash also updated thier flatform at that time. Maybe it also has something to do with the updates. If you experience the same, I feel you but if you don't, you're lucky.
Again, this is based on my own opinion and observation. Thank you.