How to Get to Mount Pukis In Bontoc, Mountain Province

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3 years ago

Mount Pukis is one of the most visited place by the residents of Bontoc, particularly those who are fond of hiking, jogging, trekking and walking. Hikers are also students and workers from other places who wishes to view and take pictures from the scenic spot.

If you want to experience the cold breeze and to see the sea of clouds, of course first, you have to get up from your bed as early as 3:30 at dawn. From that time, you may start boiling water for your coffee, of course brushing your teeth, and washing your face for you to start a fresh walk. Finally, your now packed your food and water if you want to have a picnic up there. You may want to bring with you your bluetooth speaker for you and your buddies to enjoy listening your favorite songs while you walk. Maybe by that time you finished packing your things, it is about 4 o'clock in the morning already. So, let's leave the house now and walk pass through our hiking buddies' houses and call for them. Voila! Let's start the walking now. Not only we walk but we also have some waste bags. Wait, for what are the waste bags, you are going for a hike, right? Well no, we are not just hiking, because as we walk we clean the road up for about two and a half kilometers. Picking up scattered candy wrappers is what we do until we reach the foot of the mountain.

By doing so, we are promoting a clean environment while gaining a healthy body and soul. After picking up those dirt, we hang them for when we get back, we will pick them back and bring with us home and put them on the garbage collector truck...Wait, going back? Yes, after reaching Mount Pukis, there are two options whether you go back on the track you trailed or to continue to Mount Fato for another trail adventure and then go home through another track...Oh, back to my story again... Yes, we conquered the two and a half kilometer walk of picking and walking. Time check is already 6:00 in the morning. The sky starts to brighten and the sun starts to rise over the mountain tops from afar. There are two options in climbing up the mountain,either you follow the road going up but will take you long, or follow the trailway for a shorter way. But of course if you follow the trailway, the more you enjoy. There are lots of things you can see, you may see a weird big tree and you may want to take picture from it, you may see a beautiful flower that you want to capture its inviting appearance, or you may see lots of small spider webs weaved on the smooth grassy ground with a blanket of morning dews. There are also lots of rocks that you pass by and you may want to go on top of it while your photographer is looking for the best angle to capture while you also execute your best pose. So, after all the clicks, let's continue our journey to the mountain top. Up, up we climb. Wait, there's a lot more, let me pick these berries. So nostalgic, I remember it when I was a kid back then. My mom told me that "dadda-ay" is the of these edible plant in our dialect. It is violet in color when its ripe and opens on its own like a blooming flower. It tastes sweet and can color your tongue. Yummy! You must try... You will not remember you have gone through the far mountains because you are full of enjoyment while chatting with your hiking buddies. Viola! We are now here.

Mount Pukis I am already on top of you! Being drowned by layers of silver clouds in front of you. That historic fallen tree on your cliff where everybody appreciates its formation. And look, somebody already started a bonfire. Yes, somebody came before us, becausenas I have said, this is one of the most visited place here. It's time to bring out our packed food, sip our coffee while watching the roaming clouds here and there. Time check, it is already 7 o'clock in the morning. And the sea of clouds is still there.

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3 years ago


Welcome to read. cash. Awesome👏👏👏Share us more about your Journeys. 😊

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