Who's Uncle Sam?
I want to raise a question on what comes on your mind when you hear the the words "United States of America" or simply "U.S."? Any connotations will do. Just drop your comments below and let everyone hear it.
Probably, I'm guessing you will burst out John Wick, Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, Justin Bieber, Thanos, John Cena, New York, LeBron, Wonderwoman, FBI, 9/11, tissue, Land of the Free, The Walking Dead, Hollywood, NASA, MLK, Supah Hot Fayyah, Michael Jackson, White House, Grizzly, Panda, Ice Bear, Statue of Liberty and whole lot more that we might need tons of sheets of paper just to describe the America!
To those brought up the word Uncle Sam as your own connotation, I really mean to congrats and shake hands with you because not all single person knew the word. Well, guess it shows how old you are, just kidding.
To those familiar, Uncle Sam has been the other word a.k.a. "nickname" coined solely for United States of America. But how on earth this monicker came to being? Who's behind this figure? Is it a real person? Come on guys, let's check it out and get apiece of information from US History Book!
T'was September 7, 1813 when United States gets of America baptized its nickname, Uncle Sam. Legend it was believe that a meat packer in New York first linked to name Samuel Wilson (1766-1854), who supplied a contractor Elbert Anderson, was the originator and known as the real "Uncle Sam" wherein most barrels of beef he supplied to the army were got stamped "E.A. - US" during 1892 War (between U.S. and Great Britain over violations to latter's Maritime rights).
Its still unclear if a worker or troops jokingly referred "E.A - U.S." as 'Elbert Anderson - Uncle Sam' not as "United States". For civilians during that time, interpreted it as "Uncle Sam was feeding the troops". (Correct these info if you find it wrong.)
Widely spread as a seal and mark of identification of U.S. property and on 1961 US Congress acknowledged Wilson as the progenitor of the America's national symbol of "Uncle Sam". In addition, his resident in Troy, New York was declared as " The Home of Uncle Sam" while his birthday was officially known as "Uncle Sam Day" from September 13, 1989!
One of the most used and popular description of Uncle Sam was first illustrated by Thomas Nash (pioneer of Santa Claus image) in early 1870s. While the renowned figure was seen on James Montgomery Flagg's (1877-1970) World War 1 and 2 recruitment poster with caption "I Want You for the U.S. Army" (see above).
For full article on brief history of "I Want You" check here.
Hope that settles our question(s) on who's the figure behind the iconic Uncle Sam! Share your thoughts about this topic.
I dont read about uncle sam who is he are anything about him.litterly i heard the name first time.