The Reason Why I love Rusty and My Friends

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Avatar for jb123
Written by
11 months ago
Topics: Blog

The this platform is a great help to all of us, especially to our fellow bloggers here in the crypt world. Since when I decided to join, There are some changes happens to my life, one of this is to become observer and make a research about the true meanings and topics of the post that I want to make. As I observed most of our fellow bloggers here, they are all successful by joining, and every one of us loves to become successful here. The first time I joined, I still keep myself quite and observed other members about their posts on how they do or construct their articles.

For almost 4 years of existence here in this wonderful platform, I find it very amazing and challenging. Why I said this word "challenging"? Its because this platforms protocol and rules should make 300 words and up, English words. Well, I honestly admit that I find it difficult about constructing english words, but I do my very best to it well slight correctly, I guess. Through this platform, I also gain more friends through engagement activities. This is very important so that, we can share our thoughts, opinions and suggestions in a good way. is very strict platform, honestly but in this way, it can give build up to all users to do their articles correctly and to keep avoiding plagiarized articles. Well this is a great challenge we can get, but if we keep ourselves true and honest, Im sure we will be all successful here in

There are lots of curators and upvoters here in our platform, and all of us can be able to curate others posts if we have balance in our wallet account. This is one of the rules here, but the most amazed and very generous bot is RUSTY. I am very thankful to rusty for keeping me supported to my posts and or articles. All of us here in loves rusty, the Curations come from rusty can make us more inspired by doing or creating unique and informative posts. I also love rusty, and I am very thankful to rusty the generous.

It gives us a lot of help to create and make more inspired to make or do unique posts here in Rusty helps us a lot and we should thank very much. Also to other curators and upvoters on the posts, I really thankful to all of you for keeping supported.

Through, we can really express our talents, skills and other kinds of performance we have to make others be amazed. If we truly used our talents in good ways, we will be all successful and create a wonderful life with crypto currency. My message to all new members, be consistent always and follow the rules and regulations in our platform. Don't lose hope and remember, there are many people who will help us to cope and cheering up to keep doing unique posts.

If I can do, and so you did.

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @zulfrontado
Avatar for jb123
Written by
11 months ago
Topics: Blog


I've been thinking to write tagalog articles too but I am worried because Rusty may not understand it.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Maybe it should be written in English version sis. 😁😁

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Blogging has helped me in my personal life, it has made me discover things about myself, such as not being afraid to show my work. I really like that.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Yes, that is true. We can also enhance our skills and talents of writings and as writers.

$ 0.00
11 months ago