The Cooperation Of Man And The World

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1 year ago
Topics: Reading

There are many human relationships- father, mother, brother, wife, husband, cousin and so on and their cooperation is something to be expected. But ever since the marking and bout of man in the world, there has been an expectation of the creator of cooperation, and this is between man and the world. In our time this relationship of cooperation is called ecology or ecology or relationship of the living.

First and foremost in a relationship or cooperation is breath. The air that a person breathes out of his body, his dirty coal is what the wood breathes into him, and the oxygen that the wood breathes out of his body is the breath of human life into his body. Man does not have to study further to be a scientist to sharpen his current knowledge of ecology. We’re all here now. For example people plant and take care of his plants, and the plants provide him with food, shelter and guitar and other instruments for his amusement.

Instead scientists broadly and study the ecology of three major relationships or organizations of life namely; 1.Population 2. Society 3. Ecological system itself It is rooted in their deep state. For example, the society that is not only between the human population, but also the wildlife that accompanies the settlement. Then there is a society called Biome it is between the animal and the garden that spans and helps this greatest wonder is called life. The study, maintenance, and maintenance of good ecological systems have been initiated by scientists, but can be accomplished by humans or all humans only.

In all of this it is necessary to understand that energy or energy runs parallel to the so -called ecological system. This energy undergoes changes or transformations. For example, light from the sun is produced by plants chemical energy inside what is called the protoplasm or plant cell. Man or animal eats the plant and he then converts the energy of the plant into energy in the cells of his body.

There is an emerging science of innovation called applied ecology. It is part of ecological studies to achieve practical life aspirations. This underscores the importance of good driving and using the environment and being careful of the environment. The environment refers not only to our neighbor but to other nations and space, for what happens in the distance will also come to us.

Stupidity or improper use of the natural resources placed by the Creator can deprive or deplete them, and therefore affect and greatly affect everyone. For example the improper use of coal, gas and petroleum in the land has made it scarce and costly. These assets are called nonrenewable, that is, they cannot be changed. When it disappears, it can no longer be seen.

Ecologists have spread the warning that if man does not tire of the sustainable use of natural resources, the time will come, not only will fuels be scarce but the climate will be damaged as well. High summers and high rains are coming. Above all comes poverty, extreme poverty of all people, for even timber is gone. There is no more economy, no more clean air and water, and cures for diseases and the cost of medicine is no longer attainable.

Because even good educators have inculcated the importance of ecology, now almost everyone understands that no lice or slow use of industrial machinery and airconditioners can now block the blanket of space if ozone layer. It shields the sun’s rays that damage life on earth, the so -called ultra violet. Its shield is this cover or blanket that can be torn off, naturally entering the terrible sunlight. When the ice is supposed to begin to melt and next to it is the rising of the sea and the rising of the sea covering the islands or lands or only a few will emerge, we can imagine how many more lives.

But amidst this ingenuity and knowledge and information, are people skeptical of his use of large engines and air-con? The harsh voices of scientists and ecologists can no longer be heard in the noise of machines. Surely the time has come for us to listen to the still, small voices of the guardian angels.

From the beginning of the world, even when man still lived in paradise the angels were there to watch over the state of the world. There is already a law prohibiting the misuse of forest fruits, for example. What is it now? Perhaps in the eyes of the angels they saw how rebellious man really was, though in their disobedience they saw for themselves their punishment. What is the promise of the Creator to his angels?

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1 year ago
Topics: Reading
