9 Questions to ask Before You Say, "I DO"

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2 years ago
Topics: Blog

Hello everyone, My topic for today is all about marriage. But Before you say I DO, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is there mutual respect?

A fidelity, faithfulness and loyalty between man and wife can gain a good and healthy relationship. Any marriage in which one partner treats the other as an inferior will crumble.

  1. Do we argue about money?

Money is the number one reason couples argue. Money is a symbol of power in a relationship. If couples find themselves in frequent fights over money, they need to determine wether the argument is really about a purchase or about who is going to control the finances.

  1. Do we agree who will handle which household chores?

It recommend that couples sit down together, list all household chores and established a fair division of labor for each partner.

  1. How firm is our commitment to marriage?

A partners ambivalence about a strong commitment to the marriage should be viewed as a danger signal. If one or both partners in a relationships assume that divorce is a ready option when things begin to go wrong, the outlook for that relationships is relatively dim.

  1. Do family and friends approve of the relationship?

If people who know you well and care a great deal about you - parents, teachers and wise friends- are counseling you against this marriage. Although they may not know your potential spouse as well as you do, their vision may not be as blurred as yours. At the very least, give yourself plenty of time to make sure that your major doubts are resolved.

  1. Does my potential spouse exhibit personal integrity?

You may reasonably supposed that dishonest habits expressed in other settings will eventually be expressed in your relationship as well.

  1. Are we spiritually compatible?

People have best chance for marriage success if their relationship is built on a strong foundation of shared values, life experiences and culture.

  1. Is my partner emotionally stable and mature?

While still dating , it is wise to take a long, hard look at a partners emotional stability and maturity.

  1. Have we given ourselves enough time?

You need to have been dating steadily and monogamously for at least six months before you begin talking about a marriage commitment. Every couple anticipating marriage should give their relationship the test of time to be certain the experience is lasting love, not passing infatuation.

Thank you for reading my post.

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2 years ago
Topics: Blog
