bitcoin big move coming

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2 years ago

bitcoin fluctuates on every single mintue and no one is sure of what will be the value of bitcoin in next time from last few days so many news regarding bitcoin are circulating in the crypto market and some of them are bullish news .

bitcoin transaction rate

bitcoin transaction rate has been increased from last night and from analysis of history it is clear that whenever transaction rate has been increased it depicts that bitcoin will flourish and it will pump in the market

legalizing of bitcoin in russia

russian ministry of finance is going to legalize the crypto currency and they are about to pass the bill for means of payment which a good step further ahead in development of bitcoin and other cryto coins and bitcoin will be considered as a digital currency but the bitcoin is dumping now in all this situation bitcoin is very uncertain now so this time people should not invest higher amount into it for now because whenever a bad news appear bitcoin can dump again anyhow there is a hope in the market that bitcoin will rise again with dignity the fundamentals are good and somehow bitcoin can pump

graph analysis

in market there is no such great volume which is circulating in the market ,in chart bitcoin for grasping its liquidity it can feel down and can touch the area of 38, the sentiments are giving expression that it is possible that bitcoin kick into down for liquidity and after achieving it and may bounce back in last two hours chart a triangle is forming on chart so whenever such graph appear of triangle then to enter the market we wait for breakdown or breakout

if the graph moves down then may be there would be dump of 4 percent or five percent and it will touch the area of 38000$ on the other hand if bitcoin take breakout on upper side then it will touch the value of 42000$ from which it has been rejected recently and it is considered as a resistance area overall there is no such good volume it is just circulating into the market till market is confused and people should stay away from any entry it will take a new move .

recent price of bitcoin

the recent price of bitcoin is revolving around 40000 and 300$ bitcoin market cap is rounding 767 billion dollars and volume of bitcoin from last 24 hours is 255 million dollar which is not higher as compare to the previous days total supply of bitcoin is about eighteen million dollars the price has been changed about 4 o clock with decrease by 0.19 percent so far according to graph from the start of this year there is decrease of almost thirteen percent in the bitcoin value

oman to introduce tokens in virtual assets

from OMAN Capital market authority it is reported that OMAN is going to introduce token program into there virtual assets system which will increase the chances for local and foreign investors to invest an no doubt the country will also get profit from it plus this step is providing a platform for the traders and investors to do their work with proper safety and now it is legalized This news was given by Advisor KEMAL RIZADI who were attending the meeting in MUSCAT which is the capital city of OMAN ,it is first time in OMAN to legalizing any token related to cryptocurrency it was the saying of ADVISOR

UAE defi discussion paper

the government of united Arab Emirates has published defi discussion paper which elaborates the comments and sentiments of the stakeholders and investors it also clearly discussed the transaction problems it actually contains all the data regarding the users on DEFI system and their thoughts plus the problems which they are facing now in transaction as it was the first attempt of the government regarding centralization of defi system so it was effective to find the feedback of the investors it would be good for both of the parties specially in policy making , the government has provided a deadline for giving valuable feedback till 30 june 2022 after that the system will review all the feed back which they have received and decide what would be the next step and at the end the reform which the bring obviously will work in an effective way and will be good for both of the parties these are some further developments in the crypto market which are giving value to bitcoin in number of ways

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$ 0.22
$ 0.22 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago


Waoh great

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good one to compete with

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Informative, Keep it up👍!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very informative.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bitcoin has decreased now and it is dumping

$ 0.00
2 years ago