Fibonacci Sunflower 🌻

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Avatar for jang.mi
3 years ago

Who wouldn't be happy if someone gave you sunflower?

It isn't just a symbol of joy but also the idea of how amazing you are just like the flower itself. The sunflower is an example of Fibonacci found in nature where in the seeds and petals are related to Fibonacci sequence. Isn't cool that if you exert time counting the spirals of the sunflower head counterclockwise, you will end up with 34 which is a fibonacci number. And if you count the spirals going clockwise you will get 21 which is also a fibonacci number.

The Fibonacci can be seen in nature or even in just a single flower. There are so much more in this world that needs to be unravel so let's open our eyes and widen our minds to discover new things and see something beautiful like the Fibonacci in the sunflower.

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Avatar for jang.mi
3 years ago
