Information obtained by the person for a certain period of time or throughout his life
Experience can be personal. Someone else's experience is not "Experience" in this sense. Can be "imitated"; it's optional!
The results of experimental gains can be observed in every field! The results of the "imitated" information can be observed in every field! The most important observation between experimental gains and imitation information; Experimental results must also be experienced for the imitation to be applied to new situations! Even it can be developed by trial and error, but it may be a problem to always follow the experimental one! It is possible to make innovations, that is, updates, without completely discarding the old scientific experiences. It is not the same as trying to prove that old time experiences are valid today! It's like "deduction by induction"! In one, the "Result" was not predetermined! Experience comes to fruition! In the other, the "Target" is set from the beginning and all experimental work is dedicated to confirming the particular result! Induction and deduction are often confused! In deduction, the "Target" is predetermined.
You must also have the necessary elements to gain experience. Naturally, it should be the main source! must first be "Reason"; so it should be "Preference". There must be a draft to plan the choice. There must be an "Article" that will make the bill visible. These dimensions also require understanding! Natural source, dimensionless and infinite - unlimited main source - support! The first dimension, choice- me. The second dimension is the design-spirit. The third dimension, matter!
Experience is what you gain while looking at other things.
Success is benefiting from the experiences of others.
Experience is a very cruel teacher; He does the exam first, then teaches the lesson.
Only through experience can we learn something, and we can never fully grasp an event through the mind.
The existence of man is surrounded by mystery. Our narrow knowledge and experience is just a small island in boundless seas.
Dimensions are incomprehensible without knowing the geometry! Without Mathematics, there is no "Science"! "Mathematics" is also necessary for social sciences. Experience is the most important! The difference between the experience dedicated to getting the results determined right from the beginning and the experience of innovations that can be reached without determining the result from the beginning shows the difference in scientific and technical progress!
Experience is the result of the mistakes we make.
You may believe that no one will benefit from a hands-on experiment.
Good decisions come from experience, but experience comes from bad decisions.
Experience in administration is everything.
Experience is a spectacle, thanks to them we see better for the second time.
Learn from the lives of others. A man does not live long enough to make all his own mistakes.
Experience is not what a person has gone through, but the traces of what has gone through.
Experience is gained not by aging, but by living, time ripens pears, not people.
In the final analysis; "It is not shameful not to know, nor is it shameful not to learn; to pass the whole life without gaining experience and to present the experiences of others as "True" while having difficulty even half-heartedly accepting it! Here is the whole detail. The difference between those who know and those who don't know can turn into a disaster when those who don't know can pretend to know. !Knowledge affects the whole area and volume!Knowing is also relative - relative to the person!Everyone doesn't need to know everything anyway.Knowledge is already shared with or without charge!While it is possible to get a share of knowledge, trying to validate the makeshift experiences of others restricts individual experience! Benefit to oneself It is not possible for those who are not to be useful to others anyway. And without knowing it, you don't get confused! First, the person will use his own mind! Everyone can benefit from his personal experiences, himself first!