I Said Robots Are Among Us

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As has been known in the automation world in recent years, the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) wind is blowing. Robot technology is getting ready to go into a completely different dimension with artificial intelligence. Robots, which are expected to approach human beings by 2045, are expected to be active in almost all areas of business life, especially in the office.

The promise of artificial intelligence-based robots in terms of efficiency compared to humans will start a new era in business life. It is inevitable that people who lost their expertise to robots in the transition period will have to have new skills by being re-educated. The feeling that there will be no need to work constantly in a world where there will be a separation of robots that are the subject of heavy and routine work and people who will take on more creative jobs that go beyond artificial intelligence (if possible!)

Of course, the reflections of this trend, which contains many rhetorical questions along with the subject of what the 'creative' works we need to learn, in the Accounting, Tax and Audit sector have reached a level that will please the Generation Y / digital natives. Let's get to know the "metal collar" who are ready to be the biggest supporter of the white collar after the blue collar co-boots.

3 industrial revolutions have fallen from the sky ...

While saying 1,2,3, human in the arms of the 4th Industrial Revolution… Industry 4.0. The quartet of mechanization, serialization, automation and digitalization, respectively, has already been engraved in the literature as the dominant words defining these phases of revolution.

In fact, every change comes into our lives with a "survival guide". Charles Darwin sealed this universal truth with his signature in 1809, stating that "not those who are smarter or stronger, but those who keep up with change the most." It is time to inject the first dose into our bodies, as there will be more changes over the past 100 years in the next 30 years: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE


Does anyone deny that we are individuals with the idea of ​​"doing more with less" in many areas with the development of technology? I open the parenthesis: While thousands of tiny orange robots in distribution centers in the US take the packages to the storage area for Amazon and pick them up and send them to the mail when the sale is made, it seems unlikely that the answer to the above question will not be answered yes.

According to calculations, 50 percent of the current employment in the USA will change in the next 20 years with the developing robot technologies. The simplest description of artificial intelligence; Take the characteristic of human intelligence and add a pinch of computer algorithm on it. A tremendous mix… How does this mechanism work? Don't go too far. "Siri" in the palm of your hand will give you a great grasp of the logic of the work. No matter the name, any artificial intelligence will choose and present you the most rational answer among the answers to the question X given or defined before when you ask a question X.

Of course, our issue is not just an artificial intelligence that filters information and responds to us. Keep your imagination wide. We're talking about a mechanical or bot retrieval that can store an enormous amount of data anywhere on the world atlas, with an error probability of almost "0". Machine Learning, Deep Learning and more.

The subject is deep, so it is time to close the bracket and dive into our main subject, Robots and Processes. First, let's get to know who these robots are. Then let's dedicate the last page of our article to RPA lovers.

Boss buy me a robot!

Although it has a symbolic importance in addition to the developments made nowadays, the contribution of IBM's supercomputer Deep Blue to defeating Garry Kasparov in 1997 is indisputable in the establishment of trust and admiration relationship between human and robot. After seeing what these spoiled bots were capable of, market experts quickly turned their eyes to business, realizing that playing chess or GO did not have much of an impact on the developing economy. In the first place, robots to be used in simple production and service jobs would eventually be able to undertake much more complex tasks, which was the target. Experts predict that by 2025, many office tasks will now be done by robots. Our story begins here.

Until today, many employees whose business areas were eliminated due to automation in developed economies had to turn to new lines of business that emerged with processes dependent on automation. However, this group mostly concerned the group we call blue collar.

Nowadays, the creators emphasize that we are in a phase in which artificial intelligence will be heavily involved in white-collar jobs. Our office colleagues, who are called "metal collars", seem to challenge us, especially in some service areas. If the main function of your job is to take a number from an Excel cell and move it to another cell and print this process, then robots will knock on your door. According to calculations, 50 percent of the current employment in the USA will change in the next 20 years with the developing robot technologies.

In 2045, half of workers, civil servants and mid-level managers will be robots! It is an aggressive growth target, but there is a possibility… Let's remember Hitachi, it has been 4 years since the production managers handed over some of their duties to ERP software.

There are also those who show empathy towards people and behave fairly. Anybody remember the Mechas from the movie Spielberg Artifical Intelligence? Hyundai developed wearable robots (exoskeleton) in 2017 and plans to robotize humans at least in logistics and loading areas, rather than employing robotic workers. Thus, many people will be able to continue working in factories without being unemployed. However, there is a sad truth that human evolution proceeds much more slowly than machines. Considering that the performance of the processor doubles every 2 years according to Moore's law, the feeling that we will fall behind in this marathon is strong.

On the other hand, the most powerful and valuable resource in the world is INTELLIGENCE. Human intelligence is the only example of all forms of intelligence that has the ability to imagine, design, and bring it to life. This is why I think that the human touch will never lose its value at certain points.

While the commitment of artificial intelligence produced in Silicon Valley and other technology centers to focus not on replacing most people, but on enhancing the talents of people, leaves a cottony feeling, there is only one fact, especially for our geography. I also think that it is necessary to urgently move from digital immigration to digital love status.

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