A Look At The Benefits Of Smoothies(And A Few Reasons Why You Should Have One Today)

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Avatar for jamaraku
3 years ago

1.Great for hydration

Smoothies are great for hydration. But did you know that smoothies can also benefit your digestive system? If you’re feeling a little run down, but you can’t quite put your finger on why, you may want to give a green smoothie a try. A smoothie contains chlorophyll, which is a natural detoxifier.

When we detoxify, our bodies flush out toxins that can cause us to feel run down, bloated, or just plain unwell. Green smoothies are a great way to do this. As your body works to cleanse itself, you’ll feel better and better. Smoothies are great for the following:

2. The Greens

Green smoothies can make you feel happy. The nutrients in them are so nourishing that they’ll leave you feeling energized and happy! I’m not talking about a ‘green smoothie buzz’, I mean a natural, healthy, feel-good ‘high’ that comes from eating whole foods! Think of it like the feeling you get when you have your first cup of coffee in the morning. That’s what green smoothies are, and they are packed with healthy nutrients and fiber to give you a little pick-me-up! You may even find yourself waking up more easily in the morning and making better decisions. Have you ever had a smoothie for breakfast, and suddenly you’re awake and your day is about to begin? That’s what happens with green smoothies!

3.Weight Lose

Green smoothies can help you lose weight. The reason smoothies are so great for weight loss is because they’re low in calories (and carbohydrates) and the fiber content helps to fill you up. You’ll also find the protein content very satisfying.

4.A Good Combo

Green smoothies can be very filling. The great thing about a smoothie is that you can easily incorporate vegetables into it that contain fiber and vitamins. If you like a sweet taste, try adding berries and fruit, which will add sweet flavor and some vitamins. If you like, add yogurt and kefir to boost your protein. This can really help to give a boost of protein at breakfast, helping to keep you feeling fuller for longer. I always recommend that my clients who are trying to lose weight drink one or two smoothies a day. The combination of a ‘light’ smoothie and a large breakfast can help to balance out your energy and prevent ‘fad’ diets. And there are lots of recipes out there to inspire you.

5.Energy Booster

Green smoothies can boost your energy levels. If you’re running low on energy and you’re looking for a quick pick-me-up that will also give you a healthy boost of energy, consider making a green smoothie. Smoothies are filled with healthy, refreshing, nutritious, phytonutrient-rich fruit and vegetables, which can help to boost energy.

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3 years ago
