Hi! My name is..

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, read.cash, Write, ...

So yeah: that's me. The happy guy jumping on the photo. A Juiced Unicorn self portrait. I would like to take some time and tell you people a bit about myself.

After writing articles and press releases for years, I felt like I lost the motivation to do so. Instead I started focusing on creating video's and digital art. A writer will always be a writer though and meanwhile I kept on writing poems and songs, mostly in Dutch. Whatever the situation and whatever discipline I let go of, I'm always an artist. So when a friend told me about read.cash, I decided to give it a try. I decided to reach deep and find that motivation to make more posts about my vision, art and obviously cryptocurrency.

Since I don't intent to do so anonymously, I want to start off by introducing myself. My name is I. Izhia, I'm a resident of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Besides being the original cannabis capital in the world and being known for the Red Light District, Amsterdam is a place filled with artists. Open-mindedness is basically the core of the Amsterdam way of thinking. Of course there are enough stuck up people here as well, but when it comes to the Amsterdam center city life, it can be a heaven for artists.

So yeah, I'm an artist. I sing Dutch vocals in a dancehall/reggae band, performing as much as we can. With the pandemic going on we didn't have as much shows as we wanted to, but now everything is starting up again.. Slowly.. Let's hope it stays that way.

Besides music, I'm busy creating videos, which I nowadays do under the name 'Juiced Unicorn'. Juiced Unicorn is a joint venture between my own company Izhia Arts and my partner-in-art's company Real Production. I made video's for companies like Vaposhop and Azarius, but also for international artists like Jamaican singer Tommy Lee Sparta and reggae legend Lutan Fyah. I also worked for Coffeeshops like Feels Good: setting up their marketing strategies and creating content for them. For the Juiced Unicorn project we aim to go bigger and better. I hope to share more info about our plans very soon.

Last but not least I create all sorts of other digital art, whenever I have the time. Animations, artworks, photo's, light paintings, whatever I feel like. I'm looking forward to share some of these works with you guys. Hopefully you guys will like it.

Feel free to contact me, or Juiced Unicorn. Follow us and vibe with us.

Thanks for taking your time and reading this.

Positive vibes only!

$ 0.06
$ 0.05 from @Lucifer01
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
Avatar for izhia
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, read.cash, Write, ...


@Lucifer01 -> Thank you for responding. I appreciate it. I'm just here, practicing my writing again and having fun. All about the good vibes!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good to see you dear. Perhaps an artist in our family, that's good. Welcome. The Devil is happy to see you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Juiced in it! :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago