Thursday Random Thoughts

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My wife and I just got back home after going to the beach. We got to enjoy the water splashing on our feet. Feel the sun and the breeze. Well, we waited for the sunset then we walked back home. We're just half-kilometer away from the beach, and bought our meal from a restaurant.

I hope the negative ions will have its good effects tonight, and I'll have a good sleep. Of course, hoping my wife will have a good sleep too because she had short sleep these past few nights.


Yes, I already have insomnia. Staying awake most of the night is such a pain, and taking its toll on my health. Once in a week, I had insomnia, and this week, I had it not just once but twice. Though I had three nights being sleep deprived.

Last Saturday night, we celebrated my brother and sister-in-law's wedding anniversary. I had eaten a lot, including chocolates. It's dark chocolate with delicious fruity stuff on it. It affected my sleep that night. It's already 3am and I am still very much awake. I fell asleep around 4am. Looking at the time makes me worry, and it hinders me to fall asleep.

I had a good sleep the following night, however last Monday night, I slept late again probably 3am. I am worried because we'll be going to the city by Tuesday and sleep at our friends' house.

We slept late last Tuesday because we played ARTiculate with friends at their house. Fell asleep around 2pm. Thus, I am feeling weak these past few days. I need to get more energy because my wife and I will sleep at our friends' house again tomorrow, and will go back to Natividad town early Saturday.


I admit, I feel overwhelmed because we're going out and traveling lately. It started out last month when we are back to in-person meetings, which will be twice a week. It means we will be traveling to the city twice a week as well.

We had our vacation for five days two weeks ago. We enjoyed the vacation, at the same time, we're exhausted. For the last two years, I spent most of the days at home, then I got married almost a year ago. So far, I'm happy I have someone to share my life with.

Sad news

This morning, I heard some noise from the neighborhood. My wife said people are wearing white. I remember the old man who was brought to the hospital two weeks ago. Then few days ago, he was brought back home, and I saw him, he seems okay. I initially thought they might have a meeting because they are supporting a certain presidential candidate. My wife said it isn't. I realized about the old man, and my tongue slipped that he might have passed. I apologized on my careless tongue but I had a bad feeling. We checked out what's happening, and the old man has already passed away.

I was saddened because that man, a tricycle driver, is always ready offering me the ride wherever I'll go. I don't think he really need the money because they seemed having a good life with a huge house too. He doesn't even collect high fares even my destination is quite far. I just give more than the usual fare as my way to thank him.

The last time he gave a ride was few weeks ago. I noticed he is weak. I told my wife that we'll transfer to another tricycle, and better for him to go back home but he cannot hear me so we just went ahead. I had prayed that may he'll get home safe.

The old man is not perfect but all I can remember about him is the kindness he has shown, thus I will miss him for that. Praying for the bereaved family.

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