Human Sexuality

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3 years ago

Sexuality talks about human’s actual gender whether it is a man or a woman. But how clever we are in terms of being true to our own sexual identity? Sexuality is the way of people dealing and expressing the image on who they really are. It is not just focusing the perception of being a male or female but also it is stating about individual’s thoughts and feelings. Most of people particularly in adolescence and adulthood stage of life, they might feel the sense of being self-conscious about their gender identity. I just wondered how people educated, knowledgeable and open minded discussing this kind of matter. In that edge, I just want to enlighten the society regards with this topic so they can better understand the factors, aspects and viewpoints on sexuality.

Human Sexuality has its Physiological, Social and Psychological aspects. Wherein an individual influenced by hormonal changes during the pregnancy and genetic predisposition; it is biological and a natural process from our parent’s sexual activity. Also, another aspect of human sexuality influenced by social norms, peers, behavior observation through environment. Another main aspect is about Psychological in which the feelings, cognitive and emotions included. It talks about confusion and curiosity about Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Sexual Desires and Intention, Sexual Arousal, Sexual Function and Satisfaction.

In line with the aspects of Sexuality, it came from the developmental stages wherein for Preschooler stage, sexuality trigger them by enjoying and exploring body parts of self and playmates. This is the moment they are starting to be aware of body parts and engages in masturbation. School Aged stage is particularly about the gender role behavior in which an individual has a tendency towards same sex friends and more increasing self-awareness and masturbation activity compare to preschooler. For the adolescence stage, it is more on developing regards with intimate opposite sex relationships and masturbation is very common. At this stage, boys are preoccupied with competitiveness of sexual activity and increasing testes size. For the Young or Middle Adulthood stage, premarital sex is automatically usual. They are more on sexual expression and increased sex drive. Lastly, for the older adulthood stage, orgasms may become shorter and less intense in both sexes and basically, there is loss of sexual drive and intention at all.

Intimate attachment between man and woman is quite interesting and depressing at some point. Due to sexuality, there would be possible for any sexual dysfunction. But of course, before knowing those possible dysfunctions, we must be aware about the normal sexual behavior. Sexual response is a true psychophysiological experience; there is Arousal, Experience of Tension, Orgasm and must be response and follow sexual phase cycle from desire, excitement, orgasm and resolution. On the other hand, sexual dysfunction is a problem that can happen during any phase of the sexual response cycle. It prevents you from experiencing satisfaction from sexual activity. The sexual response cycle traditionally includes excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. Example of sexual disorders is a general lack of sexual desire to a lack of sexual desire for the current partner. Erectile dysfunction or impotence is usual a men’s sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis. Sexual pain disorders affect women almost exclusively and are also known as dyspareunia (painful intercourse) or vaginismus (an involuntary spasm of the muscles of the vaginal wall that interferes with intercourse). Premature ejaculation is when ejaculation occurs before the partner achieves orgasm, or a mutually satisfactory length of time has passed during intercourse and there are more sexual disorders at all.

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3 years ago
