Sambal Pedas Manis

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Avatar for ismeldaafnita
2 years ago

Hi friends, this morning I was confused about what to cook, Then I opened the refrigerator and saw what ingredients were in the refrigerator. After gathering the ingredients in the refrigerator, I finally decided to make "Sambal Pedas Manis" which consists of potatoes, shrimp and tilapia fish. This is a side dish that is suitable for eating when it rains. For those who want to try it at home, I will share the recipe here.

Prepare the ingredients to make it consist of:

  • Tilapia fish

  • Shrimp

  • Potato

  • Tomato 1 fruit

  • Chili 5 pieces

  • 5 red onions

  • Garlic 2 pieces

  • Salt to taste

  • Sugar to taste

Then get into the way of making it, the first you boil the chilli, tomatoes, and onions. After that puree the ingredients that were boiled earlier by adding salt and sugar. To smooth it, you can use a mill made of stone.

After the mixture becomes smooth, first fry the potatoes, tilapia fish, and shrimp until cooked. Once cooked, drain the potatoes, fish, and shrimp that have been fried earlier. Then heat the cooking oil after that add the chillies, tomatoes and onions that have been ground earlier.

The last step is to mix all the ingredients including the fried potatoes, fish and prawns. Stir until evenly cooked. Do not forget to turn off the stove when the food can be served.

That was the recipe for a food that I can share and you can try at home. Hopefully, this article is useful, thank you.

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