chlorophyll(Terminalia chebula )

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Terminalia chebula is a medicinal plant. It is found in different places in India. It is found more in Dhaka, Chittagong and Tangail in Bangladesh. Chlorophyll is a widely used medicinal fruit in the treatment of various diseases and in cooking..

The scientific name of the chlorophyll is Terminalia chebula. Chlorophyll is a flowering plant. It is native to Bangladesh and India. This tree is found scattered in the forests or rural areas of India. Height can be up to 40 feet. In February-March, new leaves start sprouting. The bark is dark brown. The bark has long cracks. The leaves are long-flattened, with pointed eyes, five to six inches in length.

At the end of the flower blooms. The color is light yellowish white. Fruits oblong, conical. About an inch and a half in length. Raw fruits are green, ripe fruits are light yellow [2]. When dried, it turns dark brown. The skin of the fruit is very hard. This fruit stays good year after year. The fruit has five to six long veins from one end to the other. The outer covering of the fruit is wrinkled. Fruits are collected from December to May. The fruit contains only one very hard seed. Seedlings can be made from seeds.

Chlorophyll has a bitter smell. It is rich in tannins, amino acids, fructose, succinic acid and beta cytosterol.


The fruits, seeds and leaves of this tree are all useful to human beings. Haritaki wood is very strong. This wood is used to make frames, poles, furniture. This plant is especially effective in preventing human diseases. Especially useful in bacterial and fungal diseases. It is customary to use a cup of green soaked water every morning to stay away from the disease. Water soaked in chlorophyll with amalaki and bivitaki (behera) is a wonderful medicine for all diseases. Amalki, Haritaki and Behera are a combination of these three fruits called Triphala. As an ayurvedic medicine, triphala is a multidimensional benefit for health. [3] When greens are mixed with crushed ghee, gallstones are eliminated. Chlorophyll is used in piles, asthma, skin diseases, wound diseases, conjunctivitis especially through purification. It lowers blood pressure and intestinal cramps. Eliminates heart and intestinal irregularities. It is a laxative, astringent, lubricant, parasitic, antiseptic, anti-intestinal spasm and nourishing tonic. So it is used in the treatment of new and old constipation, nervous weakness, fatigue and overweight. Due to the presence of anthraquinone in chlorophyll, it is rich in laxative properties.

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It been a really nice article my brother..It's actually trees are helpful in many ways ...they become a great need of our life....It's also a popular medicinal plants in Bangladesh

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3 years ago