Catharsis about 2022.

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1 year ago

Hello friends. Today I will do a bit of Catharsis about the year that has just ended and I have always wondered why things happen the way they do?

Many times situations come to us without even having the thought that it could happen and others, although we wish them with all our hearts, are delayed or never arrive.

This was the case on this trip to Colombia that I did not plan, but I did want it with a little doubt and it was given to me. At a bad time since my mother was already very ill. Life often puts you in a dilemma, to choose between two paths perhaps to make you stronger.

Life many times gives you things that you have not asked for or that you have not planned, they just come to you and that's it. So I'm seriously thinking about not making a long-term plan, just doing some schemes each week and see how they are fulfilled, I'll leave the long ones as they arrive.

Life many times gives you things that you have not asked for or that you have not planned, they just come to you and that's it. So I'm seriously thinking about not making a long-term plan, just doing some schemes each week and see how they are fulfilled, I'll leave the long ones as they arrive.

Life surprised me this year with a unique event, my 3-month-old grandson was hospitalized for Covid 19, from which he emerged triumphant, thank God, but it hit him very hard with such a short time after he was born and without knowing anything about life. He just held on to that and emerged victorious.

My mother's departure this 2022 taught me that we are here today and we don't know tomorrow, that we don't leave the day we decide but when God decides. I have always believed that we have a book in which our entire destiny is written, when we are born, who we marry, how many children we will have and finally when we leave this world.

You can make many plans, maybe you will change something in them, but what fate has in store for you cannot be changed by anyone. Always go forward without thinking about what could happen if... just do it and if it is for you it will be fulfilled, otherwise it is one more learning experience for you.

For this reason, I will continue to love my family, I will love myself first and then I will love others. Sharing love is very nice and fills your heart. I will go where I have to go and I will learn what I have to learn. I will continue learning to know myself from the inside and the exterior will fit my thoughts and desires. After all I AM THE DAUGHTER OF GOD.

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1 year ago
