Are you satisfied with little or do you want more?

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Avatar for iren007
3 years ago
Topics: Life

Hello friends! This is my first publication in this community, so I hope that the information will be useful for you.
I am a certified psychologist and I know better than anyone how difficult it is for many young people to find themselves at the beginning of the path. They try different professions, drop out of school and can't understand why friends do everything, but they don't?
And indeed, someone manages to achieve good success by the age of 30, get a family and open their own, thriving business. Others continue to sit in the office for the minimum wage and spend all their free time on part-time work in the network, in order to somehow patch up the holes in the budget.
So why is this happening, what is preventing us from moving forward?

In fact, everything is very simple. When we become adults, our behavior in society is strongly influenced by the past. These are attitudes laid down by our parents and the environment around us, which we cannot overcome. Someone suffers from overprotection and simply does not know what to do, because all the problems were solved for him, others, on the contrary, did not receive enough attention and are forced to work day and night to feed themselves. One way or another, everyone faces difficulties and you need to know how to overcome them....
There are a few simple tips to help you deal with these troubles and find your way. Find out for yourself:

  1. What do you really want?

  2. Do you really need a stunning career and a solid capital in a bank account, or do you feel happy in a small, cozy home next to your loved ones?

  3. Are you ready to spend all your free time on earning money, depriving yourself and your loved ones of attention?

  4. What level of income do you want to reach?

  5. Do you like your job and your chosen profession?

  6. Are you afraid to change something in your life?

The last question is especially important, because most often it is the fear of change that keeps us locked up and does not allow us to move forward. Think about it, friends!

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Avatar for iren007
3 years ago
Topics: Life


You had written great! I can relate that these questions seriously left me thinking that what I am? What I suppose to you? and what I am doing? Your article seriously motivated me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am glad that the information was useful for you! Thank you for reading this article!

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3 years ago