5 Nutrition And Diet Tips To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

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2 years ago

The kidneys are found at the bottom of the back, just to the left of the spine. Their function is vital for the body's proper functioning. They filter blood impurities and waste products. These impurities are eliminated later through urine.

Other functions of our kidneys include regulation of blood pressure, potassium, pH, and salt level in our bodies. They are also responsible for the regulation of red blood cell production and hormone production. That is why keeping kidneys in good health is crucial to maintaining the body's overall health. 

A Kidney-Friendly Food

A kidney-friendly diet is one that avoids any damage to the kidneys. Additional care is required if you're a dialysis patient. A Dialysis Patient's diet will be very different from someone who wishes to maintain good kidney health.

A kidney-friendly diet generally restricts certain foods and fluids. This helps to prevent the build-up electrolytes and other mineral that could be detrimental to kidney health. This helps maintain the proper balance of nutrients, proteins, vitamins, calories, and carbohydrates. These are five ways to ensure good kidney health.

Don't Add Extra Salt To Food Items

According to experts, the best way to avoid kidney disease or worsening is to manage diabetes and hypertension. These health issues can cause kidney damage.

A good way to manage hypertension is to reduce the amount you eat every day. People add more salt when they eat. This is a bad habit to follow. Instead, use herbs, spices and condiments with low sodium. A good practice is to properly wash and rinse foods such as meats, fruits, and veggies.

Reduce Potassium Intake

High potassium content in certain foods and drinks can be harmful to our health. Most cases, your body can eliminate excess potassium from healthy kidneys. Your body's potassium levels can spike alarmingly if your kidneys stop working as they should.

It can also cause damage to your kidneys and put your heart at serious risk. You should monitor the levels of potassium in your body to avoid any potential harm. You can replace potassium-high foods by chicken, white rice (or apple), pineapple, strawberry or grapes, as well as onion, cauliflower and lettuce.

Not Protein-Rich, Protein Right

Proteins are critical for our body's development and optimal functioning of all organs, including the kidneys. It is important to eat the right amount of the appropriate protein. Research has shown that eating a high-protein diet causes kidney damage and can lead to their eventual death.

Therefore, it is essential to take into account the amount of protein and what type it is. Persons with kidney disease should avoid red meat, eggs, and fish. These individuals should replace these foods with rice, vegetables and fruits.

Go to Food Items

You shouldn't be afraid of eating certain foods, provided you consume them in the right amounts. If you have a medical condition, it is important to be cautious about what you eat. So, if your kidneys aren't too healthy, you should avoid eating bananas, raw carrots, protective food, processed meat, avocado, tomato, and potatoes, amongst others. If you ate more pineapples and egg whites, more blueberries, more olive oil, more cranberries, more onion, and many other foods, it would be a big help.

Remember Your Heart Health When You Choose Foods

Good for your heart, good for your kidneys, and good for blood vessels. They won't allow any fat accumulation in these organs. Lean meat, yogurt and fruits are good options for heart-healthy foods. If you're concerned about your heart health or kidney health, it is not a good idea to fry food. You should try roasting, grilling or baking your food. Frying food items is a good way to keep your heart and kidneys healthy.

If you take these tips seriously, your kidneys will continue to function well for many years. While this list may need some modifications for Dialysis patients' diet, the basic idea is the same. For the best nutrition habits, it is best that you consult your doctor.

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