The ‘’CAPTAIN’’ We Need But Don't Deserve

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HBTC, which is 2-year old cryptocurrency exchange, has started a new program to recruit ‘’HBTC CAPTAINS’’ from all around the world. With the goal of becoming main cloud infrastructure provider to all existing and upcoming exchanges, the team decided to spread the words of ‘’Bluehelix’’ and ‘’HBTC’’. So the captain recruitment has started on 29th of April, 2020 with the official announcement. Let’s further check the details of both HBTC and Captains.


What is HBTC?

With the leadership of James Ju in 2018, the core team behind HBTC exchange has decided to create a platform which provides ‘’Proof of Reserve’’ protocol under it. The exchange is the only single one that already funded from over 50 institutions including famous other cryptocurrency exchanges, namely OKEx and Huobi.

HBTC platform is just one product of ‘’BlueHelix Ecosystem’’ which provides the infrastructure to drive various trading and financial organizations within its’ protocol. Up to now BlueHelix has taken more than 200 works within the protocol and still getting satisfied new clients all over the world. Main direction expresses the core idea of ‘’making trading fully decentralized’’ with 100% return of transactions fees back to users in the platform.

On 13th of April 2020, within the month of 2nd anniversary year of Bhex Exchange, it announced the rebranding of Bhex into HBTC. And 1 week later, the name changed into HBTC.


What are the advantages of using HBTC?

Enough liquidity to prevent price fluctations, one of the lowest trading fees on crypto world and using all of gathered profits of exchange to Repurchase its native token, namely HBC, are just some good features of HBTC to use it. Also HBTC announced the ‘’HBTC Chain’’ to minimize the transaction time inside the platform even less than 1 milisecond. To ensure the security of clients’ funds, HBTC team also organized into innovative techniques.

Besides any of these great features, we faced that HBTC announced ‘’Captain Recruitment Program’’ on the announcement article of rebranding. The Captains will be able to receive 4 core benefits under the community of HBTC which can be explained as VIP Benefits, Airdrop Rewards, Platform Development Rights and Free HBTC Whitelabel Trading Platform. Let’s look details of the program.

What is HBTC Captain?

After the rebranding process, the team decided to create leaderships all around the world under the name of Captain. The Captains will be able to create contents and promote HBTC in different platforms. Also the main need to spread the core word behind HBTC. There are limited place to entitled as Captains, 20,000 in number. The first 1,000 Captains will be ‘’Founder Captain’’, next 9,000 will be ‘’Partner Captain’’ and the remaining 10,000 will be named as ‘’Candidate Captain’’.

Firstly we will check the benefits of Captains and then we will see the requirements to become a Captain.

1. Airdrop Rewards

  • 50% of the tokens attained from the daily repurchase will be airdropped to the Captain;

  • When an HBTC Captain invited another HBTC Captain, he/she will receive a 2% share from the reward that the invited Captain has in his/her airdrop and no ceiling. The invited Captain will receive 2% less in his/her Airdrop Rewards.

2. VIP Benefits

  • Profits gains from the HBC appreciation of in the secondary market;

  • Income (Mining Rewards) distribution of HBC locked-up tokens in the Mining of DPoS Nodes staking;

  • No expiry on invitation rebates, HBTC Captain can now enjoy a 40% commission on the transaction fees generated by the invited users;

  • Receive VIP Level 1 status discounts on trading fees (kindly refer to VIP discount guide);

  • Exclusive One-to-One customer service.

3. Platform Development Rights

  • Voting rights on major decisions such as project listing and community development;

  • Get a commission fee by recommending of successful listing, get Airdrop by voting for listing.

4. Free HBTC Whitelabel Trading Platform

  • Set up an exchange business with Bluehelix Whitelabel Exchange System at zero cost.

 These are total benefits of Captains in 10 different sections. But everyone is not able to become a Captain. There are some requirements to get the title. To achieve the goal of creating self-employment concept, user must complete the tasks below:

  • Register an account on HBTC and complete KYC2 verification process.

  • Hold at least 1000 HBC token on exchange wallet while application period ongoing.

  • After the approval of Captain, this 1000 HBC will be locked and user will start enjoying the benefits of Founder Captains.

If you want to get whole details about project, please check official article about Captains. And if you are interested about trading on HBTC, you can use this link to register. Also if you are interested in to become a Captain, you must the application form here.

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A laudable action towards promoting HBTC worldwide. It will also promote the popularity and wider adoption of cryptocurrency.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ok this is my first time heering this HBTC i have heard of WBTC but not HBTC thaks for sharing

$ 0.00
4 years ago