Choosing Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

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3 years ago

College-- this is where we start a new chapter of schooling. Wherein we separate ways with our friends in high school. Choosing course which will lead us in starting to take the path to success and in achieving our dreams in life. Way back in primary and secondary level, we are used on being competitive in order to get the highest award which is being the valedictorian or salutatorian (honor to highest honor in K12 curriculum) of the class. But, college is far different from this two levels of education. College is not all about competition and being competitive. Perhaps, it is about survival. Every students in any courses need to strive in order for them to survive college life. If you are an introvert in elementary and high school, then, you need to get out of your shell. Learn to interact with other people and build a good relationship with them through being a 'good friend' to them.

But, even before proceeding in college, think of the course you want to take. Choose a course that you really want, not the course that your friends would like to take nor your parents or the peer told you so. In times of deciding and thinking of the course you want, vision yourself after a years of finishing this certain course. If you see yourself being happy, satisfied, and successful in this course, choose and proceed in taking it up. But if not, think of another one. In this matter, consult to your parents so that they can help in terms of deciding and choosing. Also, don't forget to genuinely use your course in helping other people and in aiding the problems of the society, and not just for the self gain!

Do not just focus on what course to take, include the university or school you would want to attend to. Consider your family's financial capabilities and also, your capabilities and abilities. Choosing which university you'll attend (either a prestigious, private or public, and state university), will surely shape you to become a successful one.

I am also a college student who is taking up Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. I would like to share why I choose this course and why you would like to take it, also.

Since that I came from a country in which agriculture is the main source of living, I decided to take it as my course in college. Living in an agricultural country is not the main reason why I chose this path. The fact that even we are an agricultural country, we tend to be the one who is needing attention. Without our farmers, agriculture will be worthless. For me they are the heart of the agriculture sector. They are like a machine that will keep on working just to produce foods to provide and offer to its people. And, them, the farmers are the reasons why I want to be successful in this path that I have chosen. Because if I succeed, I know that I can also help them succeed. Yes, we do have the government to help us. But, as I can see, agriculture sector in our country seems to be a least priority. Our farmers doesn't have the full support from the government which they supposedly should have. Instead of helping them grow and succeed in life, they just go deeper and miserable. Globalization and trading through means of importation even worsen their situation. We do live in an agricultural country, but why do we need to import a lot of crops than to export? Even with the fact that we were once an export country. I want to contribute in changing the system of this sector in our country, so that I can greatly help out local farmers in aiding this kind of problem.

Stop the dilemma that BS Agriculture is an easy course, because it is certainly not! Just like the any other courses out there, it also has difficulties. I am encouraging the youth to take this course in order help in aiding the emerging problems of our countries in relation to agriculture sector! ๐Ÿ’™

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3 years ago
