Himba community: A group of people with amazing eyesight

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Avatar for ilias1996
3 years ago
Topics: Experiences, Travel, Life

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram continue their activities with the slogan of bringing us closer socially. Most of the social media do not create any content on their own but it is working as a repository of innumerable content. Videos, articles, pictures all fall under the content. There is something in the billions of content that we call viral content. In terms of popularity, these contents are literally at the top of everything. Such is the content that goes viral, where the viewer is asked to come to a comparative conclusion.

Mller-Lair illusions are used to measure differences in vision;

The image is called the Mারller-Lair illusion. The German sociologist Franz Karl M মller-Lair is famous in the history of research as the originator of this delusion. If you were asked which is bigger or smaller between the two lines on the left, what would be the answer? Since you are reading this article, it would not be unreasonable to assume that you are a resident of the so-called modern world. In other words, you, like me, are immersed in the much-discussed issues of globalization, internet, technological advancement, etc. As a human being in modern civilization there is a possibility that you will find the bottom line between the two lines on the left side to be larger than the one above. Now if somehow the arrow marks used at the end of the two lines can be removed, you will be surprised to notice that the lengths of the two lines are actually equal; Not so much.

Himba community living with nature, deprived of technology, civilization;

The question is, what is the relationship of delusion with modern civilization? Let's turn to Namibia this time. Kyunen is a place surrounded by valleys in northwestern Namibia. Opoyo, the capital of Queensland. Deprived of all the conveniences of modern civilization, Opoyo has a total population of 12,000. Opoyo has got his book for the people of the Himba community, one of the oldest inhabitants of Africa. At one end of Opoyo there is a touch of muffsball and at the other end there is a complete countryside. The Himba people living in rural areas are literally isolated from technology, modernity, digitalization, etc. Surprising but true they are not at all familiar with paper or pen. Their main occupation is domestic animal husbandry.

The touch of nature in urban life is very low. The cognitive function of human beings changes significantly in the presence of bright lighting, lots of furniture, machinery, vehicles, etc. Kenneth D. Keith, a lecturer in the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of San Diego, discusses visual illusions in one of his studies. According to his analysis, people living in modern civilization spend more time indoors. The house naturally has a lot of furniture and any furniture or appliances have edges or edges.

He referred to this as Carpenter's Corner. If we notice a little, we will understand that as much as we see the angle inside the house, when we go outside the house, but that opportunity is decreasing. If the edges or edges of an object or structure face outwards to the observer (the place where any two walls of the house meet), then it seems to be relatively distant. On the other hand, if the edges present in a structure face the viewer (where the two edges of the table meet), it seems to be relatively close.

The important thing here is that our brains have acquired this skill primarily for the better; Because of this skill, it has been possible to get a comprehensive idea about the innumerable objects, objects, designs, comparative sizes of buildings located far away from our eyes. But when an error appears in our brain, it is because of this skill that we fail to make perfect calculations. Gradually moving away from the proximity of nature, our brain has become more efficient at gaining an idea of the overall shape of an object rather than focusing on the details of a particular object.

The same results were obtained in the case of Himba after experimenting with the Ebbinghos Illusion;

It is the tradition of Himba to apply a mixture of gold color all over the body;

When Mller-Layer presented the visual illusion to members of the Himba community, they replied without hesitation that the lengths of the two lines were actually equal. Because their way of life still revolves around nature. And they have a strange friendly coexistence with nature. The place in the village where they take care of livestock is called crawl. There is no minimal contact with modern civilization at every stage of life, starting from their homes. As a result, they have the ability to pay full attention to any subject and to have a perfect idea of the nuances. When asked to comment on any kind of misconception, they have proven to be able to comment more accurately than Westerners, and they are able to accurately measure overall size rather than trivial matters.

The Western world generally follows the WEIRD policy when selecting samples or populations in any branch of research. In other words, the population determined for research in one way or another is Western, Educated, Industrialized, Democratic - any one of these five categories. On the other hand, not much work has been done in the world with the indigenous or completely uncivilized communities. This practice was broken by Jules Davidoff, a professor at Goldsmiths University in London.

He worked with the Ebbinghos Illusion on the Himba community. Like the Mller-Lair Illusion, they passed this test more accurately than the Westerners. Davidoff explained the matter in two ways.

First, there is absolutely no distraction between the inhabitants of Oppuo to distract attention or analytical ability compared to urban life. If they want to focus on something subtle, the element that causes them to fall into rhythm is negligible. As instructed, they are equally adept at providing a clear idea of any image, both the overall and minor changes in the scene.

Second, since their livelihood is based on livestock, they have to have a separate idea about each animal in the pursuit of life. They can distinguish each cow in a herd of cows on the basis of uniqueness and they have acquired this knowledge due to their type of life. Because of this they usually cannot be defeated with any visual illusion.

But they have also started to keep pace;

The Himba community has also begun to keep pace with the progress of civilization. The young people of the Himba community are already getting used to the urban lifestyle. Many are moving from the countryside of Opoy to the city, in cases where the same test has been repeated, with completely opposite results. Even those who have left the village only a few times to travel to the city have lost their ability to see and pay attention at a significant rate. Alas civilization! Alas, technological excellence!


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3 years ago
Topics: Experiences, Travel, Life
