Buenos Aires: A city full of life

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3 years ago

Buenos Aires is one of the busiest cities in Argentina. There is no other living city like this in the world. This is one of the most important cities in Latin America, with a strong influence on European culture and the environment. Not only European, but also Argentina's own culture pervades the city.

Buenos Aires is a vibrant city;

Buenos Aires, known as the city of football for Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi and Boca Juniors, is the second largest city in South America and the capital of Argentina. The city is also known as the political, economic and cultural capital of Argentina. Tourists are so preoccupied with the hustle and bustle of the city that many do not even remember the sights.

The night here is as bright as daylight in the wave of youth;

Many first-time visitors are amazed at how this big city has preserved its old heritage. Scattered in every alley of the city is its own uniqueness, as well as the eye-catching tall buildings of the nineteenth century. Decorated with a mix of tradition and modernity, this city has a lot to offer. From the theme park to the world-famous stadium, how many more, including the bright presidential building in the night light!

In this city, just as European culture can be seen, so does Argentina's own culture;

Enjoy the colorful night life of this city and the colorful tango dance. Popular attractions in Buenos Aires include spacious mansions in areas such as Palermo, Ricoletta, Belgrano, luxurious buildings, and a combination of lush greenery lined with large parks. Also the colorful artistic brilliance of San Telmo and La Boca or the ancient heritage of Plaza de Mayo cannot help but fascinate any tourist.

La fool

La Boca is a colorful home right next to the old port of Buenos Aires. Located on the banks of the Rio de la Plata in the old suburbs, La Boca's beautiful colorful houses are like a canvas painted by an artist. Many people from Europe, especially Italy, started living in this city in the nineteenth century.

La Boca, a colorful home area;

Europeans are still the most numerous. All the wonderful Italian food is available in the shops here courtesy of the Italians. Many people flock to this city to enjoy the excitement of colorful houses and nightclubs.

Plaza de Mayo

The most important area of Buenos Aires is the Plaza de Mayo. The region is known as the political, economic and administrative center of Argentina. Rows of trees all around. There are fountains. There is a seating area on one side of the courtyard. On one side there is a wide open desert. It is also called 'Zero Ground'. This place is a witness to all the historical movements of the country from the revolution organized in 1810 to the anti-dictatorship movement of 1970.

Plaza de Mayo, known as the political, economic and administrative center of Argentina;

This is where the revolution that took place in Argentina in May 1810 began. All the demands, the processions of the revolution came and gathered at this place. Argentina gained independence from Spain in 1818. Then another place was given the name 'May Square'. There are several sights in the vicinity of Plaza de Mayo. The official residence and administrative office of the President of the country are located in this area. The city council building, built in the colonial era, is located in the very center of Plaza de Mayo. A monument called 'Pyramido de Maze' has been erected at the site to commemorate the independence.

Casa Rosada

The best attraction of Plaza de Mayo is the President's residence and administrative office - Casa Rosada, one of the most scenic and traditional palaces in Buenos Aires. Although the current president is no longer in the palace, all the work of his office is conducted from here.

Casa Rosada - Office of the President and Residence of the President of Argentina;

All previous presidents, of course, lived here. The historic Falklands War against England was declared in 1982 from a balcony of the palace. This historic building is flooded with light at night. Behind this palace is the Presidential Museum. The museum has busts of all the presidents of the country and various histories of the country.


The place is located some distance from the city. The place is a wonderful example of historical architecture. The place has over 6400 sculptures, most of which were brought from Italy. Of these, 90 sculptures have been declared as national historical monuments. Ricoletta is also famous as a cemetery. This area is also called the 'City of Death' by many.

Ricoletta, known as the City of Death;

It was established in 1822. However, this is no ordinary cemetery. From the former president of Argentina to the country's generals, famous political leaders and prominent people of the society are lying in this place forever. No tourist can come to this place because of the beautiful marble tombs and beautiful sculptures arranged one after the other.


Palermo is one of the best tourist destinations due to its aesthetic landscapes and luxurious resorts;

An ideal place to stay for travelers from abroad. From here you can go anywhere in Buenos Aires. For this, all types of vehicles are also available. From furnished apartments to luxury resorts or hotels of various standards. There are many nightclubs and restaurants scattered around this place. Palermo is one of the best tourist destinations for tourists who like to taste the food or the hustle and bustle.

Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires

If you want to see all the cultural monuments of the city of Buenos Aires, you have to visit the popular Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires, which is called Malba for short. The museum was established in 2001. Its construction style is eye-catching. There are variations in everything from seating benches.

Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires;

Visitors to the museum can not only see the works of famous Argentine artists of different eras, but also artists from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Uruguay and other countries. The main purpose of this museum is to present to the audience all the aesthetic works of art of past and present artists. Visiting Buenos Aires will be incomplete without visiting this museum.

Botanical Garden

French artist Carlos Thais came to Buenos Aires in the early nineteenth century. He was 40 years old then. His tireless efforts have changed the face of the city. Originally under his supervision, several scenic parks were created in the city and renovation work of the old ones began. But the Botanical Garden was one of his most cherished projects.

The beautiful Botanical Garden;

This aesthetic garden is located in Palermo. There is no better place to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and spend some time in nature. This beautiful botanical garden is decorated with 170 years old national monument, over 500 different species of plants, beautiful flower ceremonies and beautiful sculptures.

Religious Theme Park Tierra Santa

Another interesting place in Buenos Aires is the world's first religious theme park, Tierra Santa. There is no such religious park anywhere else in the world. The park is located on the outskirts of the city. Sculptures depict the life of Jesus Christ and the Bible.

Religious Theme Park Tierra Santa is known as the first religious park in the world;

When you see the sculptures, you will feel absolutely alive. The park's environment is reminiscent of the New Testament era. The employees here are also walking around wearing the clothes of that era. Even the food at the park's restaurant has a touch of old-fashionedness. The whole park seems to have an atmosphere of joy and peace all the time. You can spend the whole day sitting in this park.

Congress Palace

The Congress Palace is another magnificent palace in Buenos Aires. It was built around 1900. The palace is located in one of the busiest areas of Buenos Aires. However, quite quiet and calm. The aesthetically gray stone building, the palace, wrapped in fine mosaics, is also known by the locals as the Congresso. The Congress Palace is surrounded by a number of monumental historical monuments and sculptures. A park has also been built around him.

Another landmark in Buenos Aires is the Congress Palace;

The venue is the second largest political venue for Argentines. This is where many historic protests began and ended. Because the place is very close to Plaza de Mayo. Argentines are politically conscious. Loves to protest in groups against any injustice, injustice or political corruption. They often gather in places like Plaza de Mayo to protest. Tourists come here once they have time. Bikini markets are held every day in the surrounding areas. It is an ideal place for middle class shopping.

River Plate and Boca Juniors Stadium

Riverplate Stadium;

Maradona-Messi's country Argentina is known as the country of football fans. Football is talked about all over the city. Football is mixed with the blood of the people here. The glory of football love - River Plate and Boca Juniors Stadium. These two clubs and stadiums are associated with the passion of the people here.

Boca Juniors Stadium decorated in jersey colors;

9 km from the city. The River Plate Stadium, located on the banks of the Rio La Plata River in the distance, has about 80,000 seats. The Boca Juniors Stadium in the La Boca area has about 50,000 seats. The city has access to these two stadiums. For football fans, these two stadiums are a place of pilgrimage.

Florida Street

After visiting the various sights of Buenos Aires, tourists come back at least once from the famous Florida Street for shopping. There is no traffic in this area.

Florida Street, ideal for shopping;

There are numerous shops and shopping malls on both sides of the road. The price is not too high. Numerous gift items can be found here locally to give as gifts to relatives.

Tango dance

Tango dance is inextricably linked with Argentine culture. To the Argentines, this dance is their own. If you don't see that dance, a part of the culture of the country will remain elusive. Just as this dance can be enjoyed in big clubs or restaurants, the dance of tango artists can suddenly be seen on the streets of Buenos Aires.

Tango dance is inextricably linked with Argentine culture;

This dance goes to the rhythm of guitar and bandonian rhythm. This tango dance seems to blend in with the cultural life of the Argentine people, not their image, their lifestyle.

This city seems to be awake all the time. Mete has joy, exhilaration. The people here are not tired at all. This city does not sleep at night, the night is as bright as daylight in the wave of youth. Needless to say, any tourist will be fascinated by the emotion of such an enchanted city.

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3 years ago


What a beautiful place. Nice article dear

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3 years ago

These are all lovely views

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