Enjoying with family in a sunny day

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2 years ago

It was a sunny day yesterday ,and we spend a wonderful time walking and enjoying with family. It is still spring holiday in my country so my the oldest daughter is not at school still and we are trying to have wonderful time. Our destination was center of Belgrade,and the Temple of Saint Sava.

Temple of Saint Sava is the largest Serbian Ortodox church, and by its volume, the largest Ortodox church worldwide.It can accommodate 10 000 people.The temple was built in Serbian-Byzantine style.The total height of the church is 80 m.

If you visit Belgrade,my recommendation to visit this wonderful place.

It was very beautiful.The kids were so happy and their happiness could be seen on their faces and smiles. The fountain was very interesting to them and enormous eggs and straw were all around them. Their laughter was my medicine for body and soul. The baby was running and hiding. Her sister's love was my pride.

We tried to find some shadows because the sun was burning even though it is spring. There is the biggest library in Belgrade and in front of it there is a very huge shadow. My the oldest daughter is into sport and she enjoyed doing some work out and some gym exercises.

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2 years ago
