What Causes Teeth Discoloration? How Can It Be Eliminated?

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Introduction: For many of us, we have heard about or even actually taken teeth whitening dental services. This because loss of tooth luminosity (loss of original color) occurs over time. Keeping your teeth clean is also an important part of maintaining a healthy oral routine and care. For the teeth whitening dentist in Chicago, teeth should be clean, free from plaque, bacteria, and other substances that lead to bigger health issues.

But as always, we are wondering, what causes teeth to become discolored in the first place and look embarrassing to expose in a smile? And how can teeth stains be removed and prevented from happening again?

What Causes Teeth to Lose Their Original Color?

- Poor Oral dental Hygiene: A lack of proper and regular brushing and flossing of teeth leads to dental plaque build-up. Calcified (set and solidified) creates another layer on the teeth surface.

- Foods and Drinks: A consistent diet mainly composed of sugary, starchy, coffees, teas, colas, deep fries, pasta, pizzas and other colorful food additions may change the teeth color n the long run.

- Use of Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco: Regular usage of some drugs, alcohol, and tobacco is a major cause of tooth stain

s. They are filled with substances that tend to stick to the tooth surface for prolonged periods.

- Dental Fillings: There are some dental filling products that gradually form a new color, like silver sulfide filings. They unleash an influence on the tooth’s color tone with time.

- Natural Aging Process: As we age, we tend to lose the natural tooth color. This is because of the erosion of the enamel, which gradually exposes the dentine. There will be changes due to the loss of original color and translucency.

- Environmental Influences: use of high fluoride contaminated water has negative and regressive effect on teeth color. Fluoride has a good influence on teeth initially by preventing tooth decay, but high concentrations may have negative effects. It can lead to tooth and skeletal fluorosis, among other problems.

With the primary causes of tooth stains known, what can be done about them? How can they be prevented?

Four Ways to Prevent Teeth Stains with the General Dentist in Chicago.

- Dental Teeth Whitening Services: A qualified dentist can reverse the visible effects of tooth discoloration with standard procedures and safe dental products. Avoid cheap over-the-counter options that may prove dangerous in the long run. Quality dental care with a teeth whitening Chicago IL dentist is always safe.

- Use of Teeth Veneers: Veneers are customized porcelain shells made according to the patient's teeth size and jawline map.

- Use of Dental Crowns: Like veneers, dental crowns help to completely cover, replace, and restore damaged teeth. They are long-term tooth substitutes.They must fully match in size and jawline outline.

- Use of Dental Bonding: with the emergency dental services Chicago, bonding is a process of adding a white resin to the tooth surface and hardening with special curing light.

Summary: A beautiful smile is an oasis of confidence and esteem. When teeth are clean and sharp, you want everyone to know. That’s why teeth whitening Chicago IL services are accessible and affordable. They will give you an impressive makeover. They will redefine your life with the impressive expertise and results of the premier dental health care clinic in Chicago.

For more info:-

Chicago family dental care

Cosmetic dentist in chicago

Dental care in chicago

Chicago dental clinic

Dental clinic chicago il

Source URL:- https://icodental.wordpress.com/2023/03/29/what-causes-teeth-discoloration-how-can-it-be-eliminated/

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