The meaning of a dream

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Avatar for icha2205
3 years ago
from google

Dreams are arguably a gift in life that should be grateful.

The reason is, besides being a sign of a person's intelligence level, several studies have revealed that dreams also have a role in maintaining a healthy mind. The trick is to sort and remove all the memories that are not important, so that the burden on the mind can be lighter.

However, unfortunately, this is rarely discussed by the public. Most of them are more interested and focused when the topic raises a discussion about the meaning behind a particular dream.

For many people, dreams are believed to be more than just a sleeping flower. They believe that dreams are part of a premonition of an event.

Dreams are unpredictable. However, even nightmares can be the result of something or someone that is in real life. This happens because the brain processes the real emotions in our lives to produce a whole new world.

In fact, a short five-minute chat with a stranger, that person could be present in our dreams.

Dreams are one of the ways our brains process emotions so that any emotions associated with individual relationships or connections can cause them to appear in dreams

Dreams can be a symbol of our desire to hang out with someone and bring the pride they have recognized for ourselves,

Even if that person has no personal relationship with us, has a strong interest, just hearing our name or seeing people who are similar to us will make him dream of us. However, we could be antagonists in other people's dreams. Regardless, it is wonderful when other people dream of us. Take it as a compliment, never take it personally because this is proof that we are quite memorable in his life

good night friends, may our closeness today lead us to a better relationship as friends who share on this platform, so carry on in our dreams tonight

good night have a nice dream tonight

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Avatar for icha2205
3 years ago


Actually dream is very importantfor us both physically and mentality

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